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I was a bedwetter until the age of 9. At that time, plastic sheets and diapers were always found in my room. Thankfully, it petered out right before my 10th birthday. Don't get too excited, I, Jimmy White, still had some accidents. But it was so few and far between, that the diapers became a thing of the past.

By the time I was 11, I was having sleepovers. I still had some wet nights, around one per month. Therefore I timed them. I would only go to one  within a week and a half of waking up with a wet bed. So when summer came, I was from the few kids that chose not to go to sleep away camp. I wouldn't risk wetting myself in front of all my friends. Still, I wanted to feel older, so I went to a day camp that was geared for older kids. They had extended hours and went on a few overnights. I chose this program, because I knew I could spend a night or two away from home and wake up with dry undies. So I wasn't afraid.

When August came, I found out where we were going for the major overnight. We would be traveling upstate to a sleepaway camp. We would spend the day having inter-camp games. Afterwards we would be heading to a nearby water park. We would spend the night sleeling in the camp's gym, before we headed out rafting on the Delaware River. I was super excited, especially since a lot of my friends were by that particular camp. I couldn't wait to face them.

The morning of the overnight, I woke up in a soaked bed. I was ecstatic, I couldn't believe my good fortune. Now I wouldn't have to worry about an accident throughout the duration of this trip.

When I got to my camp, we loaded our overnight bags onto the bus, and headed off towards Camp Bolo. It was a 3 hour trip and the bus ride was a lot of fun. We arrived at 1 o'clock, where we had lunch. We then headed off to our various intercamp games. The games were really intense and although we lost most of them, I was happy.

As I headed to the dining hall for supper, I started to feel very lightheaded. I quickly sat down, feeling weak and nauseous. My friends got my counselor, who in turn called the head counselor. When he came by, he brought me to the camp bolo infirmary. While I was waiting, I was given some water to drink, but I felt too sick to drink it.

After what felt like an hour the nurse walked into the room. She put me on the exam table and started to examine me. She asked me questions about my day, and decided that I was just dehydrated. She gave me a bottle of Gatorade to drink. As I started to drink it, I vomited all over my clothes and the floor. Although, the nurse insisted that it was normal, I felt disgusting wearing clothes with vomit on it. So the nurse sent the head counselor to get my overnight bag for a change of clothes, as she stripped the dirty ones off of me.

I was laying in just my briefs on the exam table, when the nurse asked me if I had accidents. Embarrassed, I used what was left of my energy and asked "just because I wear tighty-whities doesn't mean I'm a bedwetter". "I wear them because they're comfortable". She smiled and said, "it's not the fact that you're wearing briefs, but rather the fact that they are pee stained". Ashamed, I admitted that I do wet myself sometimes. She then told me that I would be needing to drink a ton before bedtime, which almost always led to the bedwetters wetting themselves, and asked if I would wear protection. Stupidly I agreed.

In the meantime, she had gotten through to my mother and filled her in about my condition. When I heard the nurse asking for my mother's consent in diapering me. I was shocked, I thought she meant a pullup. Once she hung up the phone, she went to her closet and came back with a Pampers size 7 diaper. She then talked me through the whole diapering. She then gave me two extra pullups, in case I woke up in middle of the night, so I would be able to change.

So that's why I was lying on the exam table in just a sesame street diaper, when the head counselor came back with my bag. By now, I decided to just get into my pajamas. The problem was that my pajamas were already tight, that they showed off my underwear, with the diaper it was tighter. So, I wrapped my sweatshirt around my waist and immediately went to my sleeping bag.

I woke up at 2 in the morning, with a heavy, sagging diaper. And I still needed to pee. I jumped out of my sleeping bag, and waddled the 3 minute walk to the bathroom. The entire walk I was praying that no one would see me. Not the sagging diaper nor the top of it, as with the sagging my pants wouldn't cover the tapes/waistband.

I went into the stall and locked the door. I pulled down my pants, untaped the diaper, and peed. It was heavenly. I was then in a dilemma as I didn't bring a change into the bathroom. I decided to go commando. I picked up the diaper and threw it into the garbage. I then walked back my bag and maneuvered my way into a pullup. This time it was a cars edition. I them went back to sleep.

The next time I woke up, it was at 4. And again I was soaked. I had even leaked a little. Before I ran back to the bathroom, I remembered to bring the last pullup. After disposing of the cars pullup, I put on the last one I had, the toy story one.

Again, I slept for 3 hours. But this time the pullup was only damp. Being so close to wake up time, I thought about changing out of it and into my briefs, but instead fell back asleep When wake up time was announced, I was told that I had to head back to the nurse for a morning evaluation. I wanted to get dressed first, but was told to go.

So I walked across the campus to the infirmary. It was only when I sat down outside the exam room and felt the squish, that I remembered that I was in a pullup. 2 minutes later I was called inside. After the hydration evaluation, the nurse asked me about my bedwetting. Embarrassed, I admitted that I had wet all three of the protections that she gave me. She told me that she knew it would happen and gave me 2 more pullups for the way home.

When I got  back to the gym, my sleeping bag was already folded up and put away. It turns out, Steve, my best friend had packed my stuff up. I thought I had gotten away without anyone knowing the secrets of the night. But while we were on the bus ride back, Steve asked me why my sleeping bag was wet. Humiliated, embarrased, and tired, I told him the whole story. He laughed a little and then told me that he also has these issues.

Thankfully, that was my one and only embarrassing experience with my bedwetting.

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