Truth Or Dare

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Bedwetting, accidents, pullups, goodnites, and diapers were all things that I've never thought about, until my sleepover with Barney. After all, I've been wearing boxers and using the toilet since I was 3.

When I was 11, my parents went away for 2 days, leaving me to stay by my best friend Barney. I was excited, especially since this would be my first ever sleepover.

I arrived all excited, ready to have a fun time. First thing Barney's mother made us do was our homework. Thankfully, I was very smart and was able to finish pretty fast. I even helped Barney do his.

After we finished, we played video games for a while. We paused for supper, when I found out that Barney's family had a rule, "no electronics after supper". I was a little bit annoyed, but at least we got to play some bored games.

At 9:30, we were sent to get into pajamas and bed. After all it was a school night. Once we got to our room, we started to change. I yanked off my clothes, standing around in just my boxers. That's when Barney asked me if I was going to wear some pajamas. "Nope", I told him, "I always just sleep in my boxers". He said he understood and maybe if he wore underwear that looked like shorts he also would sleep in them. But instead he still wore briefs, he said while taking off his pants, revealing his cameo briefs. I told him that they were cute.

Once we were in bed, we decided to play truth or dare. After a few rounds, he dared me to put on his brother's pullup. I asked him what a pullup was. He told me that they are these diaper like briefs that his brother wears at night. "Why", I asked. "Oh, that's because he wets the bed", he said. He then told me where to find them.

I snuck into the room and came across the package. I grabbed one and quickly ran to the bathroom. I then proceeded to put it on. Surprisingly, it fit pretty well. I then put my boxers back on, covering the pullup.

When I re-entered the room, Barney asked me if I got one. I told him I did and then showed him. He laughed and said that it fit me so well, that maybe it was meant for me. I laughed along, knowing that it was just a joke. After a few more rounds, we went to sleep.

The next thing I knew, Barney's mom was shouting at us to get up. "The bus will be here in 10 minutes". I jumped out of bed, and quickly yanked my pants on over my boxers. I grabbed my booking and ran to the bus. Thankfully, we made it.

As we sat down, Barney asked me if I was still wearing the pullup. I felt my crotch and heard a slight crinkle. I then loosened my pants and peeked. "Oh my gosh", I said. "I can't believe I'm still wearing it". Barney started laughing, but I was ashamed, hoping no one would find out.

We got off the bus, and I bolted for the front doors, hoping to get to the bathroom. Unfortunately, the school doors aren't opened until the first bell. We were expected to wait in the school yard. Dejected, I started walking towards the bench. That's when I felt my pants get yanked down. I tried getting away, but with my pants around my ankles, I slipped and fell to the ground. The jolt caused me to release my bladder making the fade when wet buzz lightyear pictures disappear.

I looked up to see that it was Barney who pantsed me. I started to cry, as I saw that my sight was gaining popularity. I couldn't believe that my best friend stabbed me in the back like that. But then I heard Barney shouting, "don't make fun of Murray". "The pullups aren't his, they're mine". He's sleeping over by me and I made him wear them as a dare". I could tell that people weren't believing him, that is until he pulled his pants down showing that he was also wearing one. That's when everyone believed him.

On the bus ride home, he explained his whole plan to me. He told me that he's a bedwetter and needed to wear them. But he was scared that I would make fun of him. Therefore he dared me to wear one. He then changed the alarm, causing us to be late. It wasn't him that pantsed me, but rather it was the school bully, who must've heard my pullup's noise. And that's why he doesn't wear boxers. The briefs hide the noise much better.

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