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"Mommy, look what I got", I yelled as I ran off the bus, waving a red piece of paper. She gave me a hug, happy that I was excited and read the paper.

"Dear Parents, we are proud to inform you that tomorrow, Wednesday, July 23, the 3rd and 4th grade will be going to Noah's Ark Water Park in Lake Delton, Wisconsin. It WILL be a major late night as we first have the park starting at 7:00. After a regular day, we will board our buses and make the 2.5 hour trek from Kenosha. We aim to return by 12:30 am, where our buses will do a regular dismissal route." The note then contained what we should bring and a place to sign.

"Glen", my mother said, "I know that you want to go, but I'm scared that you'll fall asleep on the bus ride home, and what will you do about your problem". You see, I was quick to potty train, but only by day. At night, it was a whole other story. After trying countless of tactics (rewards, alarms, medication...), my parents resigned to the fact that I'm just not ready and I'll stop having nighttime accidents when my body is ready. Therefore, I always wear one of Wal-Mart's paw patrol pull-ups to bed.

"But Mommy", I whined, "I really want to go and all of my friends will be going". I could tell that I was wearing her down.

"All right, I'll discuss it with Daddy", she said. I hugged her and shouted that she's the best.

Later that night, as I was getting into my pull-up, my mother knocked on the door. "Glen", she said, "I discussed it with Daddy and he feels you could go, on one condition".

"What is it, I yelled.

"It's on condition that you bring along a pull-up and wear it on the bus ride home". "It's going to be really really late and even if you don't fall asleep on the bus, you'll for sure fall asleep right when you get home. "And then you'll probably forgot to put one on, causing a major clean up for us".

"Yay", I started to jump up and down. "Thank you".

She pulled me into a hug and then said "go pack your pull-up". "And afterwards make sure you go to the bathroom before going to bed". She then lovingly swatted my bottom, causing the pull-up to let out a crinkle.

I followed her instructions and then went off to bed.

I woke up really early, with a feeling that I forgot something. But when I got out of bed, I noticed that it was soaked. My pull-up had leaked., so I chalked it up to that.

Finally, at 4:15 we loaded the buses. The drive was amazing and we arrived at 6:30. We had supper in the parking lot, and then we were dismissed into the park.

Once my bunk was discharged, I grabbed my bag and ran to change. I took out my floafers, towel, and goggles, searching for my bathing suit. But after 5 minutes, I had to conclude that it wasn't there. Unsure of what to do, I went to Raymond, the head of my division.

"Mr. Raymond", I shyly said. He looked down and asked me what I needed. "I forgot my bathing suit", I said. He told me, one minute and proceeded to check his bag for extras.

"Sorry", said Raymond, "I gave out all the spares that I brought along". "But don't worry, once the staff are finished cleaning up from supper, I'll have them drive to the nearest store to get you one".

I was crestfallen, as I really wanted to start enjoying myself. "Can I just go in my pants", I asked.

"No, as that's a safety hazard", he said.

Desperate, I asked "how about going around in just my underwear"?

"Sorry", Raymond said, "I can't let you go in briefs, it will look very bad.

"But I don't have tighty-whities", I said, really desperate. "I wear boxer-briefs and they look just like shorts". "So it's like I'm wearing a short bathing suit".

Raymond thought about it for a bit, until "Ok Glen, you can go in your boxer briefs". "But just know that they are going to be sopping wet for the ride home and we won't be able to accommodate you".

I started to laugh at that. "Anyways, I'm not wearing them on the ride home, I'm wearing my pull-up".

All of a sudden I heard Raymond ask "what pull-up".

Now I was embarrassed as I thought that I said that in my head. "I have accidents at night, so I'm wearing a pull-up for the bus ride home", I stammered.

"That's very smart and mature of you", said Raymond. "Now go have fun".

I took off my pants and had a blast, even though I was just in my black and blue striped boxer-briefs. When our time for the rides was over, I took off my underwear and put my pull-up on as stealthily as I could. It went great and I didn't believe that anyone had noticed.

As I got on the bus, my bunk mates wanted to know why I went around the park in just my underwear. I told them what happened. They all agreed on one thing, it's a good thing that I didn't wear briefs, like most of them. We took a poll and twelve out of the seventeen boys in my bunk said that they wore some version of briefs, whether it was tighty-whities, colored, or cartoon. This left me in the minority.

As we were moving along on the highway, Pete, a kid from my bunk asked me "if your underwear is all wet, what are you wearing now".

I noticed everyone listening intently so I said that I had another pair. They must have noticed my blush, because they started to question me about it. That's when I felt Jerry reach over and smack my behind.

"Whoa", shouted Jerry, "that felt like a diaper".

With that the bus became pin drop silence. "I'm not wearing a diaper", I yelped.

"Then prove it", he said.

"Really, I'm not", I exclaimed. Which was the truth it wasn't a diaper, it was the big boy version of one. But I wasn't keen on anyone finding out.

"Your choice", exclaimed Jerry. And he left me alone.

Twenty minutes later, Jerry asked me if I wanted some Pringles. I nodded yes, so he gave me his container of Pringles to get some. As I was busy getting some out, his hands went downwards and yanked my pants down.

"I knew it" yelled Jerry. "It's a paw patrol diaper". "I knew that Glen must have accidents".

"No it isn't, it's a pull-up", I said between sobs. "And I only need it for when I sleep, as I wet the bed". I couldn't believe that I was sharing that information, but I wanted everyone to understand me.

"Oh, that's normal", said Pete. "I also wet the bed sometimes, but it's not enough for my parents to make me wear a pull-up". "My doctor says that it's very common in 8 year old boys".

After that proclamation we had another poll. And again I was in the minority, as only 4 out of 17 said that they still have accidents at night. But at least we all became accepting and understanding about other people's issues.

If only, it was for the rest of the bus ride home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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