Plane Trouble

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Things that go together are Peanut butter and jelly. Hot dogs and hamburgers. Salt and pepper. Hammer and nails. And then you also have me and a wet bed.

I'm Vinny and I'm 13 years old. I'm the 2nd in my family of 5. We're all boys. First is Eli who's 15, then it's the triplets, me, Jimmy and Joe. And my little brother Ari who's 8. And out of all us, I'm the only one who still has accidents. When bed time comes around, I'm the one who gets the reminders to go pee. And I'm the one who goes to sleep with a diaper, while my brothers are wearing their underwear.

I've been to plenty of doctors, but they all agreed that I just need to wait it out. I've tried to hide it from  all of my friends, but I wouldn't be surprised if they happened to have figured it out already. Well this is the story of how my crush, Rachel, found out.

As we were celebrating Thanksgiving dinner, my parents surprised us with a trip to Los Angeles, California for the holidays. My siblings and I were jumping for joy, as we've never been out of the Vermont/New Hampshire area, let alone on an airplane.

As the flight date approached, we started to pack. My siblings were all packed in one suitcase for all of them, while I had one just for myself. That's because, I had to pack my diapers, powder, wipes, and a plastic sheet.

The week before our flight, I was called into my parents room and we had a discussion. "Vinny, I know it's embarrassing and you won't want to, but your mother and I feel that you should wear a diaper for the flight", said my father. Of course I didn't want to, but I couldn't disprove their logic. I probably will fall asleep on the 2 hour drive to BTV, Burlington's Airport, let alone the 8 hour flight to LA. In the end, I agreed to it. But I did manage to convince my parents to get me some underwear style diapers for the flight.

The day of the flight, I was woken up at 5 o'clock in the morning, so we can get ready. I got my clothes, went to the bathroom, showered and got dressed. Then I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. My brothers were sitting by the table in their boxers. "Good Morning Vinny", said my mother, "did you find the package of goodnites I bought you". "What's that", I asked. "Those are the pullups that I bought you to wear on the plane", she said. She then went to my room and came down with the package. "Here", she said, "put one on".

I took them to my room and put one on, with my briefs on top. I was hoping that my briefs would cover them, but the rise on the goodnites was so high, that it was not hidden too great. I then went back to the kitchen. "Can I see", asked my mother. She then proceeded to pull my pants and briefs off. If I wasn't used to having my siblings see me in diapers all the time, I would've been humiliated.

Finally it was time to load the car, and we were off. As we trekked along the Vermont route 2, the lull of the scenery put me to sleep. When we pulled into the parking lot, I felt the sag of the goodnite, indicating that I had once again wet myself in my sleep. We got our luggage and headed to TSA. I tried to ask if I could change first, but with all the holiday travelers, my father didn't want to risk missing the flight. He said that if I wasn't at the leaking point, I should wait until we got past security.

The wait in line was about 45 minutes. I was very impatient as I couldn't wait to get out of my used goodnite. I was already feeling a diaper rash forming, as I had not put on any powder. They finally moved us to another line, that just opened up. And to my excitment and dismay, Rachel and her family were behind me.

Who's Rachel, you ask. She's only the prettiest and most attractive girl in my grade. To say that I have a crush on her would be an underestimate. And my entire family knew. I was excited to be next to her, but ashamed that it had to be when I was wearing a wet goodnite. A wet goodnite, that I just realized was warm again. This meant that I had another accident.

We spent some time talking and it turns out that we were both headed to LA on the same flight. I couldn't wait to spend 8 hours together.

Finally, it was my family's turn to go through security. First went my oldest brother, Eli, and then my little brother Ari. They cleared with no issue at all. My mother went next and as her bag went through the scanner, it started to BEEP. The official took the bag and asked my mother to step to the side. They questioned her about what she has inside. She didn't have anything that should set off the alarms. She then told them to empty it and see for themselves.

They took her advice and dumped out the entire bag. The next thing I knew, the contents of the bag were flying down onto the table. There were tissues, make-up, food, and goodnites. I quickly realized that my goodnites were now visible for everyone to see. I quickly looked to see if Rachel saw, and turned bright red when I caught her staring at them. I just hoped that she thought they were Ari's and not mine.

As security deduced that my mother wasn't a threat, they packed up her bag and proceeded to re-open the metal detectors. Finally it was my time to go through. I took off my shoes and belt, emptied my pockets, and went into the chamber. I was told to lift my hands over my head and stand straight. As I lifted my hands up, I felt my shirt ride up, and my pants shift slightly downwards. I gave a peek and saw that the waistband of my goodnite was visible.

I went to yank my pants up, as the the machine scanned me. And it started to BEEP. The officials came over to me and started to ask me questions. They asked me why my pants had a bulge. And I whispered something incoherent.

They were getting concerned between my mother setting off the alarm, me setting off the alarm, my not being able to stand straight during the scan, and the bulge in my pants. They wanted to take us in for questioning, when my mother shouted, "it's just a wet diaper, pull down his pants and check". They hesitated as they didn't want any accusations, but between my mother yelling and the line forming, they obliged.

They talked me through it, as they opened my pants and pulled them down. I was now standing in a crowded airport, containing my crush, in just an overused goodnite. The officials then felt it, and even gave the inside a peek, to make sure there were no weapons. Finally, they pulled my pants back up and brought me to my mother. They apologized for the whole incident and explained that the gel that helps catch the pee, sets off the alarms when it's wet. Therefore I should be careful to walk through all of security with a dry diaper.

That humiliation was one thing, but it only got worse as we got to our gate and Rachel showed up. I couldn't believe that my crush saw me in a wet goodnite.

Her younger brother came over and started to poke fun. That's when her parents punished him. They asked my parents for an extra goodnite and proceeded to put it on him. At least I knew that Rachel wouldn't say anything.

We got on the plane and she asked Eli to change seats with her, so she can sit next to me. Eli knew that I have a crush on her and decided to give me that chance to start something.

We start talking casually, but then the topic of what happened by security came up. "You are so brave", she said, "I would've died if it was me". "But you would never wear protection", I stated, "you're perfect". She leaned into my ear and whispered "can I trust you with a secret". I nodded my head yes. "Look", she said, she then lowered her pants to show that she was wearing a diaper. "I also wet the bed", she said, "no one besides my parents know, not even my brother".

I couldn't believe it. We became a couple after this trip. And still have hopes of one day waking up dry.

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