Babysitting Zac

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My name is Jay and I'm 15 years old. I'm a bit short for my age, standing 5 feet and 1 inch, and only weigh 140 pounds. 

    My neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Fox, asked me to babysit their 9 year old son, Zac, for 24 hours. From 4pm Friday until 4pm on Saturday. I wasn't enthusiastic, but $150 is $150. 

    I arrived at 3:30 and was getting all the instructions needed. I was shown Zac's room and was told that I would sleep on the 2nd bed there. 

    Mrs. Fox goes over to the bed and pulls off the rubber sheet and says "it's meant for sleepovers as Zac and his friend used to wet the bed. But you don't need it. Unless, do you wet the bed"? I assured her that I didn't, feeling embarrassed. "I was only joking" said Mrs. Fox. 

    Zac came home at 3:50 and was a bit shy with me around. I can't blame him as I don't think that his parents ever left him alone for so long. I tried to get him to do something fun, but he wasn't interested. 

    Finally I asked him if he wants to make cookies, and his eyes lit up. I get all the ingredients and we start mixing the dough. 

    As my hands were all doughy and sticky, I felt pressure in my bladder. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. But since my hands were sticky, I couldn't get my button opened to pull down my pants. I tried washing my hands, but the water was just causing more pressure. 

    Desperate, I yelled for Zac to come. He came all confused. I told him that I needed his help. He started laughing, but he pulled down my Jeans and white briefs. 

    I know most people my age wore boxers, but I had these since I was 12. And as long as they fit, my mother wasn't going to buy me new underwear. I sat on the toilet and pooped. 

    The problem was I now needed his help to wipe, as my hands were still sticky and I couldn't use the toilet paper. I called him back, and he went underneath the sink and took out some wipes. 

    He also said that since I need help with the toilet, I must be a little boy and that I shouldn't wear pants. This way it will be easier to get to the toilet on time. I was too in shock too realize that he pulled my briefs up and my pants off. 

    "All done, now wash your hands good" said Zac. "And then we can finish the cookies". 

    Really embarrassed, I stood there washing my hands. I finished up and we finished the cookies. After supper, I made Zac take a bath. And afterwards I said that we'll watch a movie. 

    In the meantime, I decided to start washing the dishes. As I was washing them, the water spritzed soaking my legs. When I looked down, the front of my underwear had a nice wet spot. I groaned, as it didn't look good. 

    As I was finishing up, I heard Zac screaming for me. I entered his room and he's in his blue and red striped boxer briefs. I asked what the issue is. He turns around and starts laughing. "Do you need a diaper", he asks. 

    No, it's just water from the sink. It shpritzed all over me as I was washing dishes, I said, I didn't have an accident. This caused him to burst out laughing again. So what did you need, I ask. He says never mind, I'll kill the bug myself. After all I'm the big boy. 

    I sigh, pull out a new pair of underwear and my pajamas, and say " I'm changing and then we can start that movie". 

    I changed my clothes and hung my underwear on the showerhead to dry. When I come back into the room to put my clothes away, I saw that the plastic sheet was on my bed. 

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