Sitting For The Boys

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My name is Ben and I'm 14 years old. I live in a small town in Nebraska. There are approximately 150 families that live here, and I'm the oldest kid living here. Being the oldest, a lot of families call me to babysit for their kids. I know it's usually a girl's job, but I enjoy working with kids, and the money isn't too shabby.

One day, I got a call from Mrs. Jones if I can babysit her two boys, Elliott and Zack. Elliott is 9 years old and Zack is 5. I was told that it would be for 4 hours, from 6 until 10. It would include supper and bedtime, and I would get $60 for the job. I accepted without hesitation, as that was over $5 an hour more than what I normally make.

I arrived at 5:45 and proceeded to get instructions from Mrs. Jones. She ordered pizza for us, which should be arriving at 6:45. After supper, was pajama time. Pajamas are laid out on their beds. Zack's bedtime is 7:30 and Elliott's is at 8:15. And please make sure they use the bathroom before bed.

After my reassurances that everything will be OK, Mr. And Mrs. Jones left. We played some games until the pizza came. Afterwards I went to the boys' bedroom and found their pajamas folded nicely on the pillows. On top of one of the pillows was a pull-up. I then  called Zack in. "It's time for pajamas", I told him. He quickly yanked off his pants, as I took the pull-up and held it open. He stopped and gave me a confused look. "Zack, please take off you underwear too, so you can put your pull-up on", I said. "Why, I don't need pull-ups", he said, "I don't have any accidents". "So why is tgis on top of your pillow", I asked, waving the pull-upin the air. "That's Elliott's pillow and pull-up", he said, "he's a bedwetter and needs those". Embarrassed, I just told Zack to use the bathroom and go to sleep.

10 minutes later, I called Elliott in. I quietly told him to get undressed. He pulled off his pants, leaving his briefs on. "You need to take those off too", I said holding the pull-up open. He took them off and stepped inside the pull-up.

As he walked to the bathroom to go pee, I heard him sobbing. When he came out, I asked what was wrong. He then told me that he doesn't want to wear these stupid pull-ups, they're babyish and embarrassing. I embraced him and made up a story. I told that I also used to wet the bed as a kid. The difference was that I didn't wear pull-ups and my room always smelled like pee. Therefore all my friends called me pee-pee. That's why he should be happy that he wears pull-ups. After that he went to bed.

The next day I got a call from Mrs. Jones telling me that Elliott told her what happened. I told her that it wasn't true, but felt that he could use it to feel good about himself. She was very impressed that she gave me an extra $50 and made me their official babysitter.

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