Chapter 28 - Real Bad Dreams

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Chapter 28 - Lacey's POV (in story mode) 

I managed to get through the rest of my first day without getting killed by any fangirls. That was a start. 

Sam drove me home and my mother asked me all the usual questions. I hastily made my way to my room and locked myself in. 

This school year is going to be tough.

September went by, as did October and November, with the same boring schedule as always. I texted all the boys, and the girls, every day when I could. Occasionally we'd video chat and act stupid like the old days, but it wasn't the same as having them here in person. And they were always busy with tour rehearsals and whatnot, but I had the girls to talk to after school. School became routine as the fangirls realized I wasn't exactly a threat, and I didn't say anything to them anyway. 

But then, the dreaded day came. Sunday, December 18, 2011. The first day of the Up All Night tour. The boys would now be even busier with shows and interviews. I missed them all so much and it sucked that I couldn't be with them at their highest point. 

But it was okay, because Sam felt the same way, and we were able to talk to each other about it. 

One day in early January, just weeks after the tour began, I was Skyping with Louis. He told me all about life on the road, how the others were holding up, and some funny stories about times with the boys. This immediately made me feel homesick. I desperately wanted to see the boys again. 

I told him about school and all my new friends and teachers, rumors going around, and ended the call with a heartfelt goodbye to my best friend. 

I think over the course of about four months, I'd gotten closer to Louis than ever before. I spoke to him the most, and he was always there to cheer me up if something bad happened at school that day. 

That same night, I had a dream. A beautiful dream. 


I was on a fishing boat, wearing a pretty dress. I leaned sightly over the edge of the boat, at my reflection. I looked just amazing. My hair was done right and my makeup was stunning. I was snapped out of my daydream by someone pulling my arm, diverting my gaze to inside the boat. Sitting on my right, wearing a striped shirt and a cheesy smile, was Louis. 

What the hell? 

"Aren't you glad we're finally together?" He asked, lightly rubbing a hand on my cheek. 

"Louis, what's going on here?" I whispered, staring up into his shining blue eyes. 

"You and Harry broke up, and so did Eleanor and I. We're dating now. I've always loved you, Lacey, and I know you've always loved me. You're my best friend. Isn't this perfect? I love you. So much." He said this while continuing to caress my cheek. 

I couldn't control myself. I didn't know what I was doing. "I love you too, Lou bear." 

Louis leaned in and gently placed a kiss on my soft lips. 


I was suddenly awakened from this dream. I bolted up in bed, utterly shocked. Why was I having dreams about Louis?! I love Harry! Right?... 

I glanced at the clock. 11:18 pm. Good, it's about seven in the morning in London. 

There's only one thing to do. I scrambled out of bed and found my phone next to my laptop on the desk. I hastily dialed the boys' house number. It rang, and rang, and rang. I was about to hang up when the call was finally answered by a very muffled Bradford accent. "Hullo?" Zayn said sheepishly. 

A Gift of Love - Louis Tomlinson (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now