Chapter 1 - Unexpected Love

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A/N: Here's chapter uno c: sorry if everything about Louis isn't accurate, I haven't really researched his whole life story. I focus on the boys as a whole, and so I don't know much about them.

Pic of Rylie on the right (: she's gorgeous.

Chapter 1 - Rylie's POV 

June, Summer 2009. 

I woke up this morning around seven and lay in bed until nine. My mother eventually called me downstairs for breakfast, and when I didn't respond, she rushed right up to see what happened. Turns out, I just had a terrible headache. I didn't have any plans except for staying in bed all day like I almost always did these days.

As you already know, Lou and I met when we were really young, at the neighborhood park some years ago. Now that I thought about it, I couldn't believe we'd actually stayed friends since the day we met. I vaguely remember it, though, the only recollection I have is the picture my mother took that day before I left the park. Louis and I, standing side by side, arms around each others shoulders. Our parents used to joke about us getting married someday, although marriage is a billion years away. 

I remember how Louis and I used to sleep over at each others houses whenever we could. We'd gone to school together, helped each other through heartbreak that wouldn't matter in a week, and been there for each other for as long as I can remember. We were inseparable, joined at the hip by an invisible force.

Now, though, things were different. Louis and I are still close, but high school, relationships, jobs, other friendships, and life have gotten in the way of our friendship. Louis has a girlfriend now named Vanessa, so he and I are friends, nothing more. We haven't talked since this school year started, and that was a while ago. We'd just slowly separated over time. It didn't help that he was two years ahead of me in school.

So there's our life story.

Now, here I am, in bed, with a pounding headache. Mum brought me some pancakes and tea for breakfast, though she doesn't usually allow me to eat in my bedroom. After gobbling the cakes and downing the tea, I somehow managed to fall back asleep. 

Hours later, I wake up again and walk quietly downstairs. My older sister, Loriana, was sitting by my mother in the living room downstairs. They were watching a documentary about making donuts. I joined them and pushed back the recliner until I was in a lying position. 

"How do you feel, Rylie?" Mum asked, finally paying some attention to me. 

"Just fine..." I grinned at her even though my head was exploding.

"Good. There's a friend who wants to see you," she said a little loudly. 

I knew it'd be Louis. 

Right on cue, the doorbell rang. "Why don't you go answer that..." My mother said, waving her hand with a hint of a smile on her face. 

I scoffed, but obeyed. "I already know it's him..." I muttered. 

Without bothering to check who it was, I threw the door open. 

And there stood Louis, with his multicolored brown hair swept to the side, his eyes sparkling pools of bright blue. He wore a red and white striped shirt with tan chinos, finishing the look with white sneakers.

"Louis, you're here," I said, pretending to be surprised. 

"I am... here. It's, um, great to see you again, Ryles."

"I wish you wouldn't call me that," I said under my breath. 

"What's that?" He said.

"No, nothing," I quickly said, regretting it.

He studied my face for a moment, then put a finger under my chin and tilted my face up. "Same annoying ass Rylie, are you?" He joked. 

I punched his arm. "Oh, shut up." 

"You know you love when I call you that!" He teased, slyly reaching for my sides. 

"NO! DON'T. YOU. DARE - SHIT!" Louis was now squeezing my sides, tickling me uncontrollably. "Louis - I - STOP!" I smacked his arm and he immediately retaliated, mock hurt in his eyes. I brushed all my hair out of my face and turned around to look him in the eye. "I swear, Louis William Tomlinson - "

"Hey, how about you two lovebirds pull yourselves together and go get a room?" Loriana yelled from the lounge with a disgusted tone. 

"Oh, I think we will," I called back sarcastically. 

Louis and I trotted back up to my room, where I locked the door after us. He sat on my bed and looked around as if he'd never seen it before. It was different than it was a year ago. More posters of American and British singers and TV stars. "So this is the room of the famous Rylie Davis at the age of fifteen." 

I laughed and fell down on the bed next to him. We lay there together for a while, facing the ceiling and the glow-in-the-dark stars that Louis and I stuck up there when we were nine. I remember how we carefully surrounded the ladder with pillows in case we slipped off. Imagine the load of trouble we'd gotten in back then. I missed our childhood.

"What are you smiling at?" Louis asked, turning to face me. 

"Uh, it's nothing." 

"Tell me," he persisted, sitting up and pulling me with him. 

"Remember when we put those up there?" I eventually said, gesturing up at the ceiling. 

"Yeah," he chuckled. "And I remember the shitload of trouble we got into after." 

"Those were the days..." I sighed. 

Suddenly, Louis grabbed my hand and locked our fingers together. "What - " 

He brought a finger to my lips, silencing me at once. "Rylie, do you have any idea how much I've missed you? It's not the same without you to keep me company. Honestly, all this time, Nessa was just a distraction. I guess I'd just wanted you in my arms instead of her. I know it sounds bad... But if you haven't already heard, I broke it off with her weeks ago. Just say you'll be mine and we can be happy, together." I was stunned. I'd been expecting my annoying, funny, crazy best friend, not a whole confession reciting his undying love for me. 

Okay, that sounded really cliché. But that's how I was feeling. Louis's breath was hot on my face. He'd slowly been leaning in closer and closer with every word. "Rylie Anne Davis, I love you with all my heart, and I haven't realized that until now. You're special, Rylie, and I hope you know that." 

With those last words, Louis closed the gap between our faces and our lips were sealed. This was my first kiss, and with my best friend. It wasn't what I thought would happen. 

His lips felt soft against mine, and I couldn't help pulling him in closer. 

But Louis moved away. "Rylie, i'm.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to - " 

"You talk too much," I said, laughing and wrapping my arms around him in a giant hug. From now on, Louis would be mine, all mine. Or so I thought.

A/N: (CHAPTER WRITTEN BY SARAH AND I) So I, don't know what to say, but this chapter is dedicated to my cousin, Sam, who's turning ten on Wednesday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMMY I LOVE YOU

Anyway I hope you guys like the story so far. It's gonna turn way different really soon. Thanks, lol bye c:  

~ Amanda xx

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