015. real life.

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     THEIR FIRST kiss was more awkward than the one they just had. argyle had been gazing at birdie who's been talking about his hair for like ten minutes, then he suddenly kissed him, the cohen hadn't reacted so he just pulled back, hoped birdie would think it was just because of the weed or something.

and now here they were, in argyle's room, awkwardly texting one another and stealing glances at each other when birdie shut off his phone and leaned forward, pressing a small kiss to argyle's soft lips before pulling back, looking down at his phone. argyle sent a text and waited. the two went back and forth, giggling quietly after each message before birdie just put down his phone and went up to the other, wrapping his arms around argyle and pulling him into another kiss.

"we're so stupid," he mumbled and argyle laughed, his fingers tangling in birdie's hair. "you're stupid." he murmured back into their kiss as he steps closer and closer until the back of birdie's shins hit the bed. the two slowly lower into the bed, birdie laying on his back as argyle is hovering over him.

birdie pushes argyle's hair away, giggling as he pulled back. "your hair is tickling me." he said and the taller raised a brow, pulling all of it to one side of his head before leaning down again and connecting their lips. birdie's hands trail up argyle's back until he stops, pulling away again. "what's wrong?" the whisper is quiet, delicate almost to avoid ruining the moment and birdie just smiled faintly at him.

"nothing..." he murmured and argyle just moved to lay onto the bed besides birdie. "you're acting weird." he whispers and the cohen gulps quietly, looking away. "i just... i have never had a boyfriend before." he says and argyle grins, glancing over.

"we're boyfriends?"

"i--i don't know!" birdie looked over with a bewildered look and argyle frowns. "i never let someone like me. or let myself like anyone before. i'm--i'm not likeable." he says and the long haired man shakes his head as he moves to prop himself up onto his elbow. "that's not true. i like you plenty. and i know others who do." he tells him before smiling softly.

"but why?" birdie sat up but argyle stayed laying down with his arm propped up. "i don't know. because you're pretty, funny, and kind?" he says, tilting his head and birdie sighs, looking down between them.

"i'm not out to my family..."

argyle slowly frowns, bringing himself up to sit as well as he completely faced birdie. "is that why you said the thing about my parents at least being supportive instead of not accepting me?" he asked and birdie glanced up. "yeah." his voice wavers for a moment. "i brought up a hypothetical to my parents once, my mom said she'd disown me. and my dad said he wouldn't care. and considering the fact my mom is a japanese woman who has my dad wrapped around her little finger, i can't risk coming out or anything like that." he says.

argyle pulls his hands around birdie's waist, "i still wanna be with you..." he whispers and birdie frowns. "why?" he says quietly back and argyle shrugs. "because i like you. a lot." he chuckles, leaning closer and birdie just glanced down. "i don't know, argy... i'd hate to not be able to show off you're my boyfriend." he murmured, his hand reaching up to touch his collar, fingers grazing argyle's skin slightly.

"doesn't matter to me." the hispanic is closing in the space between them so much it makes birdie's breath hitch slightly, staring at argyle's lips now. "are you sure?" the asian mumbled and the taller nods quickly. "like a hundred percent sure?" he murmured again, leaning in even closer to argyle now.

"yes. now kiss me please."

the two lay down onto their sides, holding onto one another and kissing and kissing, until they eventually had to pull back for breath, just staring at one another. "so... to clarify, we're boyfriends?" argyle is grinning and it makes birdie grin back. "yeah... if you want."

"of course i do, bird..."

authors note
man when my friend told me to write an argyle fic with nico as the fc i was like "omg yas" bc then they'd have pics together.
WRONGGG bc there wasn't that many and i've searched the internet with their names like 792728842739473 times
but brooo their height comparison 🤭 i'm kinda living for it ngl

WRONGGG bc there wasn't that many and i've searched the internet with their names like 792728842739473 timesbut brooo their height comparison 🤭 i'm kinda living for it ngl

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+ i did find a photo on pinterest and i might use it in this fic bc it's cute as shit
anyways i nearly forgot to update

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