045. real life.

263 22 17


     ARGYLE HAD gone down to open the door for the three who just got here, shouting out jonny! and laughter followed as birdie stayed still in bed, staring at the ceiling. after the laughter dies down and the four were just in the livingroom, talking, birdie still hasn't bothered to even move a single muscle.

"hey, where's bird?" nancy asked, glancing around and argyle shrugs. "i guess still in bed... they were a little annoyed by me for the exposing of their bathroom." he explains and nancy chuckles, nodding. "i'll go check on them." she says and robin looks at argyle and jonathan. "you guys wanna warm up with a quick game while we wait for the others?" she asked and jonathan quickly draws out the deck of cards for a game of crazy 8's.

nancy approached the bedroom and frowned upon seeing her best friend. "hey." she said as she came to sit by him and he quickly glanced up. "hey nance," he murmured quietly and she just sat there next to him.

"you okay?" she asked cautiously and he just quickly nodded. "yeah." he said and sat up slowly. "you have a good time with your first sleepover?" she giggled and he shrugs. "yeah, i mean, i think so?" he looked at her and she just raised her brows, grinning.

"hey, you're bi," he says and she nods. "yeah, duh." she says and he sighs. "am i attractive? like would you want to sleep with me?" he asked and she furrows her brows. "oh, my god, birdie, i'm taken and you're gay." her voice is teasing but it cheers him up as he rolls his eyes, smiling and chuckling at her answer.

"is this about argyle?" she asked, now in a softer voice and he looks at her right away. "sort of." he murmured and she nods, glancing away with a small sigh. "well, there's no denying it... you're extremely hot and anyone would want to sleep with you, but it's probably a thing for him, like a problem. maybe he can't get it up. or maybe he doesn't like sex. or something." she says, looking back at birdie who nods softly, turning his head away.

"you should talk to him when you can." she offered and he nods, sighing as he crossed his arms over his waist. "now come on! we should go and join them downstairs. we bought you guys so much food." she grins widely and birdie feels grateful for nancy wheeler. she was like the bestest friend anyone could ask for.

birdie sat by argyle and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's arm, hugging it closer. "hey," argyle said quietly, kissing his boyfriend's forehead and birdie smiles up at him. "hi." he whispers back, his voice soft. "you okay?" argyle asked quietly, leaning closer and the shorter nods. "yeah." he smiles wider.

after steve and eddie showed up, they started drinking some beer and just hanging out. playing random card games. and talking. when everyone had gone home, nancy with two drunks who kept calling her pretty as she took them out the front door with birdie's help who couldn't stop giggling at them because of how flustered the wheeler was.

"she's like super pretty! oh my god, i don't even blame robbie for liking you." jonathan is holding nancy's chin gently in one hand. "hey, i don't like her! but she is still my soulmate." robin giggled, resting her head onto the girl's shoulder. "you two are so wasted." birdie laughed as nancy sighed, going over to put robin into the backseat and birdie helps jonathan into the passenger side. "hey bird?" the byers murmured suddenly.

"yeah, jonny?" he looks at him and jonathan blinks, looking at him. "don't hurt argyle, please... he's like the one friend i made on my own, i only am friends with you guys through nance." he says and birdie frowns. "i won't... i promise, jon." he says, smiling then jonathan nods. "okay, goodnight birdie." he leaned his head back and birdie just chuckles, gently shutting the passenger door.

birdie bids nancy a goodnight too, giving her a quick hug before waving at them as they took off in the car. birdie entered the foyer of his home where he stopped dead in his tracks because steve and eddie were legit making out against the wall there. "steven! edward!" he said loudly, clapping his hands and the two jumped apart. he smiles widely at them.

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