029. phone call.

312 21 5


from argyle :) to birdie


"hey argyle..."

"i'm sorry about last night."

"no, i'm sorry. i was being a major dick. you were right to put me in my place."

"no, i was being a dick. i'm sorry. i shouldn't have called you a cunt or said those stuff about you walking all over people. i guess i was just jealous. or something..."


"yeah. because... like you could have anyone. and you choose me. why me? like, you could be with steve harrington or like, literally anyone better."

"steve? better? steve is stupid, he's not better than you, argy."

"okay, yeah... but he's better looking."

"argy... you're the most handsomest and most cutest guy to me."

"honey! come have brunch with grandma and me!"
"i'll be there in a minute!"

"can... i come over?"

"of course... baby."

"you're so annoying."

"and you're adorable... can you please come soon? i wanna see you and properly apologize in person."

"does properly apologize mean a kiss?"

"hell yeah it does."

"then i'm on my way."

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