042. imessage texts.

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bird <3

argy <3

bird <3
u wanna like... smooch?

argy <3not after that picture

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argy <3
not after that picture. no.

bird <3

argy <3on a real note though, how do you like your bacon?

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argy <3
on a real note though, how do you like your bacon?

bird <3
cooked i guess?

argy <3
ur funny
i'm cooking in the morning

bird <3
but i just wanna lay in bed all day tomrrow with my boyfriend :(

argy <3
ugh how lucky he would be

bird <3
yeah might even put out or smth

argy <3
so, scrambled or fried eggs?

bird <3
oh either one, doesn't matter

argy <3
don't we have plans tmrw anyway?

bird <3
ugh right. those people we call friends.
can't we cancel?

argy <3
but i promised my boy jon some weed

bird <3
should i invite steve?
i kinda miss that loser being around

argy <3
oh, idk, if you want to

bird <3
i'm gonna ask eddie real quick if they're still on weird/bad terms
are you coming to bed?

argy <3
i'm still getting ready for bed. i have a really complicated routine, don't rush me

bird <3
oh my god okay

argy <3
ok now i'm coming

bird <3
lol ok

argy <3
you're gross

bird <3
only for you 😘

argy <3
oh how romantic

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