085. real life.

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     WHEN BIRDIE reached the kitchen, he smiled at the sight of his boyfriend. "hi." he greets him, pulling him into a hug right away and argyle just lovingly rubs his back. "you okay?" he murmured into his shoulder and birdie nodded softly. "just wanted to see you." he whispered back and argyle squeezed his waist gently, smiling faintly.

"come with me..."

birdie took a hold of argyle's hand and started leading him into the backyard, towards where the shack was as the taller just followed closely behind, their fingers interlocked. the shack wasn't really a toolshed anyway, birdie's dad didn't do jackshit around the house and always paid for people to fix shit so it was never really a useful shack, it was just there and recently birdie's taken over in it.

he set up a couch in there with a little bookshelf with books he's been reading recently and even has his stash there he smokes from time to time, along with some other random shit. "come on," birdie chuckled when argyle just stood in the doorway. "what are we doing in here?" he asked quietly as he shut the door behind him and birdie just grins, "wait and see." he tells his boyfriend.

he switched on the little light in the corner and turned around. he's once again in those cute plaid pyjamas argyle loves so much, but with his boyfriend's hoodie and a jacket since it was a cold winter night. he slipped off both until he was just in the tanktop. "it's cold in here..." argyle said as he walked over.

"we can make it warm." birdie reached up, putting his arms around argyle's neck and the taller just smiles softly. "you sure?" he asked and birdie nods. "yes, now come here and ravage me." he says, laughing at the way argyle reacted at that. the taller connects their lips together and pulled him closer. he sat onto the couch first, pulling birdie ontop of him who's legs fall on either side of his lap.

birdie mewls into their boyfriend's mouth, pulling away as they run their fingers through argyle's hair. "are you sure? like, are you okay with this? i'm like better prepared. i made sure." he says and argyle raised his brows. "oh, okay... um, i mean, yeah. if you want to. i only want to if you want to." he smiles and birdie giggled. "i only want to if you want to... too." he says and argyle giggled back. "to too..." he repeated and birdie leans in, kissing him.

"i love you, i want to..." he murmured against argyle's lips and the other hums in agreement before he adjusted the two of them so they were both comfortable. which was birdie on his back with argyle over him, settled between his legs. "birdie, birdie?" argyle mumbled and birdie reached up, cupping his face. "yeah?" he whispered quietly in the now warming up shack. "i love you." argyle sealed the sentiment with a kiss birdie returns passionately.

"i love you more." birdie giggled as he pulls away and argyle just smiled down at him. "impossible." he says as he raised a hand, cupping his boyfriend's face. "wait, can we switch so you're sitting again?" birdie whispers and argyle made a surprised face. "ye--yeah." he maneuvered the both of them pretty well and birdie realized pretty quickly that he prefered it this way, keeping his arms around argyle's neck as they kissed some more.

"birdie, you're so pretty." argyle whispered as one of his hands rub up and down birdie's thigh. "you-- stop," birdie blushed hard and argyle just stared up at him. "but you're so fucking pretty. and so good. so good. good to me. and so pretty. you're the prettiest boy i've ever seen." he raised one hand to hold the side of birdie's face as the shorter looks up.

"you're pretty too." he murmured, leaning in to connect their lips once again and the taller just held onto him more tighter. birdie pulls away a bit, wanting to catch his breath as he stared into argyle's eyes. "i love you." he whispered and the other smiled softly. "i love you." he whispered back and kissed him again.

once they were done, argyle laid on his back with birdie on top of him, cuddling with a random pull over blanket over them. "i feel so safe with you." birdie whispered, playing with the buttons on argyle's shirt and his boyfriend was just rubbing his lower back gently. "i'm glad you do..." the taller whispers back.

"what are your plans for winter break?" birdie asked, moving his head so he was looking up at his boyfriend. "oh, you know... this and that. nothing too extreme." he shrugs and birdie chuckles. "wanna... spend a week with me? my
parents are sort of going on a vacation and i don't like to leave hawkins during christmas time." he says quietly to him.

"okay. yeah, what would we do?" argyle asked and birdie grins. "play house?" he joked and argyle just made a face. "i don't know, argy. we can do whatever we want." birdie snuggled into his side, his face in argyle's neck as he played with argyle's hair a bit. "yeah?" argyle said quietly and birdie nods.

"absolutely anything we want."

"okay..." argyle grins a bit and birdie pulls back, propping himself up to hover over his boyfriend. "what do you have in mind?" he asked and argyle shrugs, still grinning, "spending everyday of the winter break together... no one else. like, just me and you. alone." he smiles wider.

birdie giggles, leaning over and planting a kiss onto argyle's lips before leaning back. "not a bad idea." he says and brushed a bit of argyle's hair back before staring down at him with a small smile. "like... really?" argyle chuckled and birdie nods quickly, smiling wider. "you'd be fine with that?" he asked him and birdie nods. "but one condition. we have to be at your place for christmas. because your abuelita really loves me." he says with a wider grin. "and what do we say to our friends?" argyle asked with squinted eyes at birdie.

the shorter shrugs, "tell them to fuck off?" he says and argyle laughs. "no, like seriously, with byers and all too... he's gonna need me. christmas time was the best for him and nancy." he says and birdie sighs. "that's fair... okay, when he needs you, you go then, or he can come here... right?" he says and argyle shrugs. "yeah, sure." he softly smiles and birdie leans in, giving him a more firm kiss.

"god, i wish you could stay the night." he murmured when he pulls away. "sending me away like some prostitute, birdie?" argyle tilts his head and birdie rolls his eyes, giggling. "don't call yourself that." he says and argyle just chuckled, softly rubbing his waist. "i love you..." he whispers and birdie grins.

"i love you too..."






authors note
i love them sm. anyways i was so tired writing this ya'll. i was practically asleep so if there's spelling errors, that's why

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