070. real life.

195 18 7


     BIRDIE COHEN officially had no one. sure, nancy was still his best friend but she basically told him he was in the wrong, for all of it. and robin took her side. and jonathan took argyle's side. he literally had no one.

well... except for maybe one person. he pressed the button and waited as the bell chimed through the house. the moment the door opened, he sighed. "i'm sorry too..." he tells steve who's leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed. "he should've known all along. and i'm sorry i told someone when we had an agreement." he then sighs.

"what happened? you and i both know you only come to me when you've hit rock bottom and have no one..." steve says and tears brim at birdie's eyes. "eddie isn't talking to me, argyle broke up with me, jonathan, nance and robin took their sides." he sniffles. "come on in..." steve opens the door wider, nodding inside his home and birdie follows after him.

steve let birdie cry it all out onto his chest, much like the night that all of it first happened. realization of that hit birdie who reached up, wiping at his face before slowly looking up. "sorry." he quickly got off steve's shoulder and the harrington looks at him.

"it's okay..." he put his hand onto birdie's back. "what are we doing?" he whispered when he felt steve's thumb rubbing the skin above his collar. "we're not doing anything..." the taller replied but kept the movement of his thumb on birdie's soft skin there. "steve." birdie looks over and steve just smiles. "just comforting you. like i always do. you know i'm always here for you, right, bird?" he asked and birdie sniffled, glancing down between them.

there's barely any space between them. "we're fucking idiots, steven. we lost the two people that were the only good things to ever happen to us." he whispers and steve shakes his head. "i don't believe that." he whispers and birdie just frowns at him. "eddie loved you. like a lot, you know? and... argyle and i have something really special." he tells him and steve just tilted his head a bit to the side.

"we only come to each other when we need someone. we don't really like each other." he added, shaking his head and steve leans closer. "don't like each other? then why do you always look at me like that?" he says and birdie's gaze drops down to steve's lips. "it's because you're nothing but a pretty face, steven." he looks away, rolling his eyes and steve sighs, retracting his hand.

"birdie... really, why are you here?" steve whispers and birdie just wipes away at his face, shaking his head. "i don't know." he whispered and the harrington sighed, looking down. "you're like my only friend right now." he tried to reason as he turns his body to steve's again who turns to face him as well. "it's just not fair to me, okay? you blocked me. you continuously rejected me even when i hinted that i had feelings for you. then you threw your best friend at me, who i thought knew about us, which is why i thought it was weird you even did that. and... i--i just don't understand you, birdie." he says but birdie isn't even listenting to him, he couldn't when he can't focus.

"right... sorry." he murmured and steve sighed, leaning back. "have i never been good enough for you? birdie?" he grabs his arm gently and the other leapt forward, landing his lips onto steve's. the harrington wanted to push him away, say it's a mistake and that birdie knows it's a mistake, but he gave in as he pulls the other closer by his waist, kissing him back.

birdie crawled closer, kissing him deeper and tangling his hands into steve's hair at the back of his head. his short hair. birdie's mind flashed back to argyle and he pulled back, his lips in a little frown. "what's wrong?" steve breathed out and birdie clutched his hair now. "i don't know." he whispered and steve rubs his waist. "it's okay... do you wanna go to my room?" he asked in a gentle tone and birdie looked up right away. "it doesn't have to be that. we can just sleep..." he says a little too quickly.

"it's fine... we've both been dumped right? we can--we can pretend it never happened again and keep it from them." he whispered, leaning closer and steve sighed, pushing birdie off his lap gently. he turned away and birdie just stared at him worriedly. "steve?" he says quietly and steve looks at him, a glossy look in his eyes. "birdie..." he glanced down.

"fuck, i'm sorry." birdie said, turning away and steve just fidgets with his hands. "it's fine. it's fine, i just-- i can't do that with you. not when... i feel the way i do for you." the harrington says and birdie sighed. "i'm sorry..." the cohen whispered and steve just got up. "i'm so goddamn lonely, birdie." he says so suddenly and the other just glanced up.

"my parents are practically never home now since i got my car and since i turned 18... they don't even care at this point. and... i--i wanna be loved so bad and i wasn't content with being with eddie like i thought i would be." he says and birdie just frowns at the taller. "steve..." he slowly rised up to stand before him. "can you just... can you please tell me why i'm not good enough for you?" his voice wavers and birdie frowned. "i never thought of you like that... ever. i always thought you deserved better than me." he said and steve steps closer.

"but you're all i ever wanted." he says making birdie pause and just stare up at him blankly. "do you-- do you mean that?" he asked quietly and steve nods, stepping closer to him. "always have and always will." he whispers and birdie's arms go around steve's neck as his lips meet steve's again. the harrington pulled him closer, slowly lowering back into the couch, laying back and pulling birdie over him.

birdie didn't think of anything or anyone else this time, as steve's hands slipped off his shirt. birdie does the same with him then steve pulls down his pants next, his hands are gentle on birdie who he pulls down into another kiss again. "wanna move to my room?" steve whispered and birdie unbuttons his jeans and unzips them as he shook his head. "i wanna stay right here." he kisses him again.














authors note
i remember when steve said they were just bros doing bro stuff. #homies

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