073. imessage texts.

197 18 9


eddie & argyle

you're really just gonna be letting him back into your life again? really?

yeah. because i love him

wow that is so fucking cute.
but he won't be 100% yours. he feels for steve the same way steve feels for him.
you know it. he knows it. steve knows it.

if he loved steve so much, why would he come to me when he had a chance to go and be with steve since you dumped him?

fuck if i know
maybe he pities you

i understand that you're upset and you're so deeply unhappy with your own life but that doesn't mean you get to shit all over mine. it's not my fault your boyfriend doesn't love you. so don't put the blame on me.
or act like any of it was my fault.
it was only steve's
and your own

what the fuck dude
i can't believe i ever considered you my friend

i'm just saying it's not my fault for your life being shitty dude. you're the one overreacting so dramatically when it was literally before you and steve even got together.
it was over the summer. get over it
birdie apologized and it's not like he did it because he was in love with steve. he said so himself it was because he was feeling bad about himself. i'm sure he would've with anyone.
steve was just like the only closest source of "comfort" if u can even call it that

it's not just that
birdie is my best friend, he knew how much i liked steve since ninth grade

steve didn't belong to you yet.

you are such a dick

and you are such a little shit

whatever. have a nice life with birdie.
i'm sure he'll probably leave you at some point to be with steve or something

you're so full of negativity. holy shit.

yeah. suck a bag of dicks.
read at 2:52 p.m.

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