090. real life.

221 19 11

IT'S THE first day of christmas break. birdie should be at home, waiting for his boyfriend to arrive and they can watch movies, drink hot chocolate while cuddling on his bed. but no. he's here, walking up the spacious driveway of the harrington home. no surprise to the fact tommy's truck sitting in the drive away.

it doesn't bother him really as he walked up to the front door and knocked, waiting for an answer which took a while, loud music was coming from the backyard, along with laughter and conversation so he rung the doorbell this time, eager for an answer.

"i'm on my way! calm your tits!"

after about a moment or so, the door swung open and there he was. steve harrington, with a flushed face, his shirt was a bit messed up and he only had that nice dress shirt on and some khakis. he looked like he came from some sunday brunch or something. the redness in his face must be due to alcohol, and the frown that displayed over it must've been due to seeing birdie. "i thought you hated me." he says, leaning against the doorframe.

"i could never hate you, harrington." birdie sighs and steve's eyes lit up, which was a sort of sad sight to see. "keep that in mind when i do this." he adds before his palm collided with the harrington's face. "what the fuck is wrong with you, man? you told me, you promised me, promised us that you wouldn't go back to the way you were before. when you were friends with tommy and carol in middle school and freshman year..." birdie says as steve just looks up, holding a hand over his cheek.

"what the fuck, man? you didn't have to hit me..." steve says, glaring and birdie snorts. "you told me i could if the time ever came that you were friends with them again." he says and steve merely rolled his eyes. "what's it matter to you anyway?" he asked and birdie just crossed his arms, sighing. "because you were my best friend. and robin's. and even jonathan's, don't you remember how helpful you were when he and his mom were going through tough times last year?" he asked.

"were. right. were is past tense..." steve still isn't letting up and birdie glanced down. "this just isn't like you, steve. i--i know you, and i know how much you hated tommy and them, especially for what they stand for, they weren't your friends. me and the others were..." he says and steve just glanced up at him. "they aren't my friends? they're literally all i have, birdie... you have everything and everyone." he says and the shorter glanced up, suddenly feeling a pang of guilt. "i--i'm sorry." he says and steve sighed, glancing behind him.

"harrington! what's taking forever?"

"i'll be there in a minute!" he shouted back and birdie sighed. "they're not your friends. they don't care about you. especially billy." he says and steve turns back to him. "i meant it when i said you deserve better than me. i really do think that highly of you. steve... you need someone who cares so much for you, and loves you... and good friends who don't fake being nice to you then talk shit about you behind your back or straight to your face." birdie had stepped closer and steve's eye gaze was literally anywhere but at him.

"is that all?" he finally looks him in the eyes and birdie sighs. "goodnight steve... have a safe christmas break. please." he said and steve just watched the boy head down the driveway. he hadn't been driven here or drove here so steve grunts and grabs his keys, shouting to the others. he's only had a beer and a half anyway. he shut the door behind him quickly and rushed over to his vehicle by tommy's.

when the car pulls up by birdie on the sidewalk, he stopped and stared for a moment before getting in. "thanks..." he says quietly before staring straight ahead as steve pulls back into the road, driving to birdie's. "i--i miss you guys..." steve glanced over for a moment before quickly diverting his gaze back to the road. "we miss you too, steve." birdie glanced over then sighed, fidgeting with his fingers. "well, i can't speak for the others but i'd say yeah they miss you." he nods, glancing away.

"how are you so sure of that? rob and i rarely talk and even when we do, it's so awkward... and jon kinda shut me out recently even though we talked a lot before." he glanced away sadly and birdie glanced over. "it's probably because he and nance kinda broke up..." he says making steve glance over quickly. "wait, what? seriously?" he asked right away and birdie just nodded his head.

"yeah... uh, it--it's complicated. but i think it's why we need you. like in our group again." he explains and steve glanced over, frowning slightly before looking away. the rest of the drive is quiet and before birdie got out, steve grabbed his arm. "i'm in love with jonathan." he blurted out and birdie looked at him with the most bewildered look. "what?"

"i--i have been since i met him. i figured he'd never fele the same way back, especially when he and nance got together in freshman year. they seemed so meant to be, but i guess... they weren't?" he says and birdie squints his eyes at him. "you really are a slut, huh?" he said and steve scoffs, looking away.

"i--i don't know. i guess, like i definitely had feelings for you and also eddie... but nothing ever topped the feelings i had for jonathan." he said a bit quietly and birdie just raised his brows slightly. he genuinely though steve was fucking with him as to get back at him, but he sounded so... shy admitting it.

"steve... you should talk to him." birdie smiles and steve looked over right away. "really... you think so?" he asked and birdie nods before getting out of the vehicle. "i'll see you around... take care of yourself." he tells him.







authors note
stonathan solos tbh.

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