065. real life.

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     WHEN NANCY and jonathan arrived, the wheeler girl had basically tackled robin in a hug almost right away. "i can't believe you preformed it!" nancy said when she pulls back, smiling widely. "thérèse has been your baby since freshman year." she says and robin chuckled, "yeah." she said, tucking a stray hair behind her ear as she glanced at vickie.

"i just had a sudden burst of inspiration." she said and nancy's smile had faded a bit as she glanced at vickie. birdie glanced between them with wide eyes as nancy now turns to her again, "where's eddie? i wanna watch the video!" she says and robin leads her away. "oh, shit. that's a shit show waiting to happen, huh?" the voice caught birdie by surprise.

he turns quickly to be faced with steve who holds up a red solo cup. "it was originally for rob, but here." he smiles and birdie returns the smile, grabbing the cup from him. "yeah, that was... a little weird. i thought nancy didn't mind vickie and that their jokes were just, well, jokes." he shrugs and steve sighed. "yeah, it's hard to tell when someone's joking or not in our group, huh?" he asked, leaning against the wall and birdie instantly looks at him.

"yeah, i suppose." he replied, raising his cup to take a small sip as his eyes stayed making eye contact with steve's. "hey, you doing okay?" the taller suddenly asked and the shorter pulls their cup away, nodding softly. "yeah, you?" he said and steve just sighs quietly. "just shit at home." he rested his head onto the wall and birdie thought he looked so sad.

but clearly steve was not thinking about whatever it was that was bothering him lately as his eyes trailed down birdie's shoulders, to his chest then his waist. "uh, i'm gonna... i'm..." birdie glanced around quickly and tried to find someone else to talk to. "i was gonna ask vickie a quick question. later steven." he walked away and steve sighs, sipping his cup.

"it's so cool you're chill with them being friends." argyle, stoned out of his mind, told a mellow eddie who's leaning back, his eyes closed. "with who being friends?" the munson replied as argyle munched on some chips that were set in a big red bowl. "you know, our boys, birdie and steve." the stoner replies.

"why wouldn't i be?"

"well, you know, like, after they hooked up. or whatever." argyle munched down on some more chips and eddie finally opened his eyes to look at his friend who's clearly talking out of his ass as he stared straight ahead, at birdie who's standing with vickie. eddie followed his eye gaze then glanced to his boyfriend quickly who's still leaning against the wall, sipping his red solo cup and staring directly at birdie.

what the fuck?

"argyle, wh--" "argyle! come over here!" jonathan waved over the boy who quickly got up, "jonny!" he smiled and eddie glared towards steve's direction. seriously. what. the. absolute. fuck. and the way steve was staring in birdie's direction made eddie's stomach twist all into different knots and his chest start hurting. instead of making a scene and doing what he always does, eddie just ignored it. and ignored steve the rest of the night.

maybe argyle's too high, maybe it's just something random. or a prank. whatever the fuck it was, it wasn't funny and he wasn't gonna give into it. a lot of people showed up at some point and it was easier to avoid steve, he kept doing shots with robin and vickie in the kitchen area then when steve would walk in, he'd head quickly to a different room.

as for birdie, he and argyle were seated on the couch, birdie's hand tangled into his boyfriend's hair as he listens to him talk with a small smile. eddie stood in the doorway of the livingroom. why. why does he get to be happy? why does he get to have a loving boyfriend who's not in love with some other guy he hooked up with? why was it always birdie?

birdie. birdie. birdie. why was he so much better than eddie? he was always better than eddie. thin. has abs. perfectly tanned skin. nice arms. perfect. perfect in every way possible. it's no wonder steve doesn't want eddie and would rather want birdie over him. the munson doesn't even realize he has tears rolling down his face until birdie's in front of him.

"eds? are you okay?" he grabbed eddie's arm gently and eddie hates him. he hates him. fuck birdie. no. he's a fucking dick. why does he get to be nice even after what he's done? he fucks eddie's crush? encourages them to get together? only to be nice when he's the reason why eddie is crying in the first place?

"is it true?" eddie's voice cracked as he spoke and birdie's brows furrow together. "is what true?" he asked and eddie just sniffled. "you and steve..." he says quietly and birdie took a step back for a moment, pulling his hand away from him as if eddie was scorching hot and he burned himself on the surface.

"no... no..." birdie denied and eddie sobbed. "stop. no, don't lie to me!" he cried and birdie looked down. "i--i'm sorry--" "fuck you!" eddie shouted in his face then ran off. birdie couldn't move. he's frozen to the ground and he doesn't know what to even say or do.

"what's up with him?" steve is there again, putting his hand to birdie's back and sipping from a cup. the shorter immediately pushed him away, "he's your boyfriend, steve. what the fuck is wrong with you?" he said angrily and steve stepped back, shrugging. "come upstairs with me and find out." he laughs and birdie hits him. "you're a fucking mess!" he brushed past him and steve watched him then looked towards where eddie disappeared.

shit. shit. shit.

















authors note
rip steddie

+ yes thérèse is a song written by robin instead of maya in this fic bc i like that song a lot anyways i've been so off with the scheduled updating lately. i'm trying my ebst

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