093. real life.

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     WHEN ARGYLE got into bed by birdie, he wrapped his arms around him and leaned in, kissing the top of his head. "hi," he says softly and birdie looks up, smiling. "hi." he whispers back before leaning in to kiss him on the lips this time. argyle's hands slide to the back of birdie's neck as they kiss and birdie's own slowly slide down argyle's chest, one resting right above his heart and the other near his collarbone, gently rubbing along the bone.

birdie climbs over him, deepening their kiss as argyle slowly trailed his hands down his lover's back before pulling away, grinning softly. "what would you name them?" he asked and birdie raised his brows, staring down at argyle's lips. "name what?" he murmured and his boyfriend chuckles, pecking his lips gently once. "our kids..." he tells him quietly.

"oh, i was thinking about that a lot actually. my mom told me if i was a girl, my name would've been kennedy, maybe we'd call her kenny." birdie grins widely as argyle just stared at him, smiling softer. "and august for a boy because i love that song from taylor swift's folklore album." he giggles and argyle smiles, leaning in again to kiss him deeply. birdie cups his face, kissing back before his boyfriend pulls back a bit. "wanna try making a baby?" he asked and laughed at birdie's reaction, which was his face turning completely red.

"shut up," he mumbled before connecting their lips together again. they just made out for a bit, clothes coming off one by one and then when they got it over with, they laid side by side, argyle's arm around birdie's waist as birdie's hand was gently playing with argyle's hair as his head rested on his shoulder.

"i love you," he murmured and glanced up to see argyle staring up at the ceiling. the long haired man quickly glanced down at him, smiling, "i love you more..." he says quietly, cupping birdie's cheek to give him another kiss, gentle and loving. the way he always was with birdie. admittedly, birdie knew argyle when he first arrived to hawkins.

but he always looked... scary? but alluring. he always had a bit of an annoyed face, even sometimes with friends like whenever birdie would see him with jonathan. so he would be intimidated to approach jonathan when he was with argyle, he'd sometimes even avoid him like when argyle had an empty seat next to him, he didn't sit there because of the tiny glare argyle was sporting on his face. but he is so kind. and gentle. and loving. even from the beginning when they first started talking.

birdie loves it. being with argyle. laying with argyle, cuddling, kissing, holding hands. all of it. especially the rest of the winter break as they continued to spend every day like that, the only exception was christmas day when they went to argyle's, opened up presents and celebrated, they even went out with their friends at benny's where they all gave generous tips to benny who'd been working all night and day even when it was christmas, they said happy holidays to him on their way out and all went their separate ways, steve and jonathan to the byers' home, nancy and robin to the wheelers' home and birdie looked at eddie who was staring at the couples.

"hey, are you okay?" he asked, putting a hand to his best friend's arm who glanced at him, softly nodding. "yep. never better." he smiles faintly and birdie brings eddie into a hug. "merry christmas, eds..." he murmured and then the munson headed home to his uncle's home as argyle and birdie went to birdie's house. then the rest of holiday break was once again spent everyday with one another.

the day before school began again, birdie refused to fix his sleeping hours, staying up late and painting as argyle watched him. "you know that assignment is already due." he says, stretching and yawning as he sprawls across birdie's bed. "yeah, but the prompt was nice..." birdie replied and their boyfriend leaned over. "yeah, what was it?" argyle asked, coming up to sit behind his boyfriend who smiles. "something that means a lot to you..." he says quietly, turning his face to argyle.

it was a really nice painting from the view outside of birdie's window, the snow falling onto the front yard and even the house across being covered in snow. "the neighbouring house means a lot to you?" argyle teases him, his arms wrapping around birdie's waist. "no... the view from where we spent everyday of the winter break." he says and argyle chuckles, burying his face into birdie's neck.

"quite the romantic." he murmured, pressing kisses into his boyfriend's neck who tilted their head to the side a bit, resting on argyle's shoulder. "argy?" birdie turns his head slowly to look at him and argyle hims, lifting his head. "where are you... going for college?" he asked quietly and argyle shrugs gently. "wherever life takes me, i don't really plan on applying..." he says and birdie leans closer.

"well, i would like to have a roommate with me when i go..." he says quietly and argyle grins. "yeah?" he asked and birdie nods quickly. "i'm going to dartmouth, my dad would literally murder me if i didn't, and uh, i surprisingly got in anyway, so i'm attending... there." he says and argyle looks down at his boyfriend. "is that what you want though?" he asked in a whisper and birdie just glanced away. "truthfully... no. i think i'd prefer going to nyu." he looks up to look into argyle's eyes and their boyfriend leans in to peck them on the lips. "you can do anything. i believe that, birdie." he whispers.

birdie smiles, closing the gap between them once more with a deep kiss. he sets the canvas and the paintbrush to the side as he turns to face his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around argyle's neck. "i love you... let's go to sleep." the long haired man murmured into their kiss and birdie leaned back, sitting back a bit on argyle's lap with a small pout. "i can't sleep..." he says and argyle just tilts his head. "then... why don't we smoke some weed and i rub your back until you fall asleep?" he asks.

"you're too good to me." birdie seals his statement with a kiss and argyle smiles softly. "of course. you're my boy." he whispers before leaning in for one more kiss, smaller, shorter but just as filled with love. then birdie put away everything as argyle got the joint from his bag, lighting it by the window.

"when do your parents get home?" argyle asked and birdie shrugs. "not sure... they actually haven't even called in a while. i figured i didn't notice because i didn't care." he says when argyle passes him the joint. "oh, you turn 18 soon, right? a month away by now." the taller says suddenly and the shorter glanced up, nodding. "february 14..." he says and argyle grins widely at that.

"right! i mean, i'm so bad with dates but yeah, i knew it would be like a double special day. we'll be celebrating our first valentines' day together." that made birdie short circuit for a moment. the only first ever valentine he ever had was ms. jenn from third grade. that was it. no one else before or after, and that was because she felt bad because the class had an odd number of kids, so they were all paired up except for birdie who didn't have anyone.

he never bothered after even when a girl asked him multiple times, or when a girl got interested in him in seventh grade. he's always knew he was gay, so he never wanted to ask a boy, he'd get too nervous. but now argyle's his boyfriend. by default, he's his valentine... right?

"oh, yeah." birdie said suddenly, glancing up and smiling widely. "right, yeah, we celebrate my 18th and also... our first valentines' day... together..." he trailed off and argyle just puts an arm around him. "don't be so nervous, you don't have to put out since you already have." his tone is teasing and birdie forced out a little chuckle, passing the joint. he looks up at argyle, "i just... never had a valentine before." he tells him and argyle leans down, holding his chin gently as he gave him a small kiss.

"i never have either... i always got broken up before." he explains and birdie smiles widely. "oh, cool..." he glanced away and argyle smiles, snuffing out the joint on the ashtray before wrapping his arms around birdie's waist. "what should we watch tonight?" he whispers and birdie hums, leaning against argyle. "whatever..." he murmured quietly. in birdie's bed together, birdie fell asleep pretty easily with argyle rubbing his back gently.

authors note
ok i'm ending this at 100 chapters ya'll
so like the 100th chapter will probably be a timeskip to like when they're older, out of college and stuff like that.
i'm a sucker for endings like that <3

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