S| Skin Care Routine

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Maturity: Smut
Warnings:Touching, Flirting, Ect.

(Shigaraki POV)

    I stood in front of the mirror in my large bathroom, I just finished with my shower so I started working on my skin care routine, it's really affective, my skin isn't as dry as it was before. I grabbed my blow dryer from beneath my sink and plugged it in, I set the heat to mid-warmth and quickly dried my hair, it's was kinda difficult with it being thick and long but I made due. Once my hair was dry I put the dryer back up and grabbed my facial cleansers and began my pretty long routine. I heard my door creak open and footsteps approach which initially confused me until Dabi walked in the bathroom, "Hey creep, doing your routine?" He asked.

"Yeah, what did you need?" I asked back, he only smiled and walked up behind me, he snaked his arms around my thin waist and held me close, hovering his face in my neck. "Just wanted to see my baby~" he whispered in my ear, kissing the top. "D-Dabi not now.." I tried to say but didn't get taken notice to sense he continued, kissing my neck. "God your hot" he said loudly, I shook my head and sat my cleansers down and wiped my face, "No I'm not, that's why I'm doing this routine" I said. He growled and turned me over, slamming me into the sink, earning a gasp leaving my mouth. "D-Dabi please..." he had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist as he kissed down my chest, I wrapped my arms around his neck for support.

"B-Babe n-not there..Ah!" My hips bolted up as he touched my inner thighs, I was only wearing loose sweats so he had plenty of access. He unhooked his arms from around my waist and moved them to my v-line, he used his teeth to pull down my pants, licking my bulge through my underwear. "B-Babe! Ngh.." he smirked as he heard the lud noises from my mouth, "Why do you think you aren't hot?.." he spoke, his voice was quiet, raspy with a hint of anger, "Because I'm n-no-Ah!" I felt the cold air hit my length, I clenched my hands on his shoulders as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Mmm..why can't you see what I see?.." he whispered as he stood up to lick down my neck, "W-What's so at-ttractive about m-me?" I stumbled out. "Mm..maybe these plump lips.." he spoke, gently biting my lips, "Your soft pale skin..your sexy scars scattering your skin.." his lips were guided down my neck, stopping ever so slightly by my half naked chest. "Mm..this sexy fucking chest that are covered in my marks.." he said as he roughly bit some parts of my skin causing me to flinch. "Mm..these hands..god only knows how you use them..wether it's for you or me.." he spoke with a smirk, noises escaped my mouth left and right, I have a bad praise kink.

"D-Dabi...babe please.." I pleaded for him to stop, I couldn't handle anymore praise, I might just cum right then and there. He travels lower, tracing his hands ever so slowly up and down my bare legs. He chuckled lowly and god was it fucking sexy, "And this...sexy dick of yours..don't even get me started.." he licked the tip, I went to grab his hair to push him further on but he pulled away to fast. He shot up and stared at me with this most lust filled eyes, before I could let out the breath I've been holding he picked me up and slammed me against the sink, I arched my back, I've always been a sucker for pain. He jerked my shirt off, throwing it somewhere out of sight, throwing his clothes shortly after.

"Your gonna have to be quiet baby boy..the members are still here.." he smirked against my lips before slamming inside me, I threw my head back and loudly moaned, drool and tears ran down my face from the pain of being stretched, but god did it feel fucking amazing. He slammed back and fourth, heating up his quirk on his hands, he clamped his hands around whatever skin he could fine, burning me repeatedly. I screamed in pleasure, I could care less who heard me. I heard a low chuckle before a hand clamped around my throat, choking me tightly, he slammed into my g-spot causing me to let out a high pitch scream.

I yelled his name over and over, I could feel my throat getting dry and sore. I gripped tightly at his shoulders as he continued to abuse my body, god I was being over simulated and I'm fucking loving it. I felt my chest tighten and my body spasm indicating I was close, "Baby I'm close!" He shouted, "M-Me to!" I joined back, a couple more rough sloppy thrusts he came inside me, panting erratically, I came shortly after with a loud pleasured moan, "Fuck babe that was so fucking hot" he spoke out of breath. I nodded, not really able to form sentences at the time, "Here let me clean you up" he said softly, scooted me over and grabbed the ointment and some clean rags, he gently scooped his fingers into me, scooping out his cum until no more leaked my entrance.

It was a little discomfiting but I put up with it, noting I ain't use to. He grabbed the rag and wet it some before gently wiping my hole ever so sweetly, quickly finishing and squirting some ointment on his fingers. He gently laced my hole with the cold ointment, and god I'm not joking when I say cold. I squirmed some which earned me soft not annoyed grunt, I quickly stopped and he finished shortly after. "Want to take a shower or just lay in bed? I can fetch you your clothes" he said with a soft smile which made its way on my lips. "Just lay in bed..please.." he nodded in rely, gently lifting me up and walking hand in hand into our joined bedroom, well my bedroom that we shared.

He stood me by our closet and grabbed some black silk boxers and sweats, not bothering with a shirt, I slipped them on with some help. He got dressed after me, leaving off the shirt as well before tucking me into bed, he joined beside me with a pleasured smile, I looked up to him with tired eyes. "Please don't think less of yourself anymore okay?" He asked softly, tracing his hands through my slicky thic locks, I nodded with a smile which shortly turned into a yawn. "Goodnight baby" he said, "goodnight.." I trailed off as I closed my eyes, he sighed lovingly before scooting closer and closing his eyes, we laid embracing each others warmth with a loving smile plastered on our faces, we're such suckers for love..

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