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"I'm going to the endeavor diner to study" Louis said. "Ok, don't stay out too late" Johanna said. Shutting the door behind him.

The entire town was bitter yet ecstatic about the Alphas son's arrival. Louis was nervous thinking about whether or not he'd run into him somewhere.

The one question on Louis mind was why. Why an alpha would choose to come to a omega town for holiday.

Louis entered the diner around ten. Ordered himself a late breakfast, began studying soon after.

"No, alphas" Darren said. Louis rolled his eyes at Darren's words as he studied. "I'm not an alpha" the man said. Louis raised his head to look at the man in question. It was none other than the Alphas son himself.

"Then why do you smell like one" Darren said. Louis heard the man's gulp from this table. Something inside Louis told him to help him.

"He's with me I promise" Louis said. He sensed the alpha was looking at him. Louis looked at Darren who had a annoyed look on his face. "No funny business whoever you are" Darren said.

Louis then went back to his table, as the alpha followed him. "Who was that" he asked. Louis looked at Darren with a irritated face. "Darren, he's the shop owner" Louis said.

Louis went back to studying for a bit before he heard someone's stomach grumbling. Looking across the table it came from the alpha who had a amused grin.

"Do you want anything, I'll buy" Louis said. "I'll get the same as you, I'm not picky" he said. Louis met the alphas eyes, causing a pink tint to appear on his cheeks.

"I'm Louis by the way" Louis said. Quickly moving his gaze by down to his schooling. "Harry" he said.

"I guess we're not strangers anymore" Louis teased. While working on a algebra problem. "Guess not...what's that your working on" Harry asked. "Omega level algebra" Louis said. "Can I see a worksheet you did" Harry asked.

Louis didn't hesitate to show him his notes. Algebra in the alpha city was more advanced compared to omega level. "I don't mind teaching you about alpha algebra" Harry whispered.

"You don't have to do that, besides my teachers say us omegas aren't smart enough to learn algebra that advanced" Louis said. "I'm willing to teach you if you'd like" Harry said. Louis looked around, before nodding.

"But not here, it's anti alpha territory" Louis said. "Where would you suggest we go" Harry asked. "There's a library that's a neutral zone for anyone" Louis said. "Meet tomorrow, late tomorrow morning around this time" Louis said.

Louis didn't want Harry to leave yet. His scent was already taking over, even though they just met. Louis thought he was going crazy. Louis wrote down his phone number on a napkin.

"I can only call at 12pm...my number is written on the napkin" Louis said. "I'll keep this close...thank you" Harry said.

Louis paid for both of their meals before leaving. Harry helped him pack up his things. Louis tried his best not to hold his hand on the way out. He didn't want Darren to get suspicious.

Outside the diner, Louis took his hand in his. Harry didn't pull away. "I'm sorry..." Louis said. Pulling back, Harry took his hand in his. "Don't be, it's normal to have feelings for someone" Harry said.

"But you're not just someone...you're somebody and I am a nobody from a dying town that I'll never get out of" Louis said.

"I think we should resume this for tomorrow morning" Harry said. Louis didn't want to say much after that, so he walked away.

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