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Harry drove back home from the beta council meeting. Parking the car he noticed Franklins car was still there.

Harry walked inside the house. Franklin had a glass of wine in his hand. Louis was next to him along with a women.

"Harry...my love your home" Louis said. The other two guests giggled. "How much have you had to drink" Harry asked. Louis stood up from the couch. "Maybe one or two" Louis said. The guests giggled louder.

Harry knew Franklin and his friend were way to intoxicated to drive. Sooner than later Edward arrived home. The female omega made her way over to him. "Excuse me" Edward said.

"Why am I the single one" Kathryn said. Pouting she sat back down next to Franklin.

Edward went searching for his brother. He didn't see him anywhere on the first floor. He realized that he was up in his study.

He knocked on the door. "Come in" Harry said. Edward entered the study. Louis was sleeping on the sofa on the floor was his glass. "Is be ok" Edward asked. "He drank to much" Harry said. Next to the glass was a bowl. Take a guess what the bowl is for.

"Take a seat" Harry said. The brother didn't need to be told another time. He sat down in a chair on the other side of Harry's desk. Harry looked at Edward he knew something was wrong.

"After I disconnected from the meeting what happened" Harry asked. Edward felt his palms sweat.

Edward was asked questions as to why he took refuge in the beta city. They even tortured him with asking him about his relationship with the beta leader.

"They even asked about you" he said. Harry looked at him. "What about me" Harry asked. "Why did the son of the alpha leader run away to the beta city" Edward said.

"You're the son of the alpha leader as well why are they over looking that" Harry asked. "Because they know I was the only person who ever loved their leader" Edward said.

The beta's loved it when Edward and Ellie were out together. It made them feel happy that their own leader had someone who loved her.

"They'll inform me about what there decisions are tomorrow" Edward said. The eldest brother left the office. His mentality was not in a good place after speaking about Ellie.

He went back to his room, Kathryn stood. "Who is she" Kathryn asked. Edward took the picture from Kathryn. "Leave" Edward said. Kathryn smirked. "I'm not leaving" Kathryn said.

Edward grabbed her by her arm and pulled her out of his room. "Find someone else to harass" Edward hissed. Slamming the door behind him.

Drunks am I right.

Edward was one of the drunks before he met Ellie. He was a lot of things before Ellie.

Meanwhile back in Harry's office.

Louis woke up with a nasty headache. He groaned tiredly. The alpha didn't pay him any mind. "I told you not to drink so much" Harry said.

Louis felt last nights choices come back to haunt him. As he threw them back up into the bowl that was on the floor.

"I'm sorry" Louis said.

"Once you are sobered up you will be, for now focus on tending that headache" Harry said.

Getting up Harry gave him a glass of water and pain pills. Louis took them.

"Where's Franklin and Kathryn" Louis asked.

"I had my driver take them home" Harry said. Trying to get them into the car was a nightmare by itself.

Kathryn didn't want to leave. Franklin wanted more wine but he was already shit faced. Harry didn't want to deal with them any longer.

"How's your head" Harry asked. "Better" Louis said. The alpha made his way over to him. "I want you bent over my desk" Harry said.

Louis obeyed his order. His head rested on top of the desk. "Why am I punishing you" Harry asked. "Because I drank too much" Louis said.

"Good boy"

Harry pulled the omegas pants and panties down. "I'm not going to go easy on you for this punishment" Harry whispered. Louis shivered.

"I'm sorry sir" Louis said. Harry warmed up Louis skin with a hard slap. "What are you sorry for" Harry asked. "For drinking too much alcohol" Louis said.

Louis felt another hard slap on his ass, then another, and another. His eyes were filled with tears by the twentieth slap. Harry then slipped on a cock cage to make the punishment last longer. "Tomorrow I'm going to humiliate you in front of Franklin and Kathryn" Harry said.

Harry slipped a buttplug into the omegas hole.

"It's not a vibrating plug is it" Louis asked. Harry laughed coldly before pressing a kiss to the omegas cheek. "That's for me to know and you to find out" Harry said.

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