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Harry and Louis woke up the next morning. To a quiet mansion. Most days Dacre and Rosemary would be the first to rise.

"What's going to happen now that Ellie is dead" Louis asked.

Harry only kissed his head, he truthfully didn't know that answer. Louis looked up at him as he laid on the alphas chest.

"Edward could be the Beta leader" Louis said. Harry looked at the omega boy like he was insane. "Absolutely not" Harry said.

"What do you know about leading a district" Louis said. "My father was the alpha leader I know a thing or two" Harry said.

"Edwards also your brother he's grown to love it here" Louis said. Harry moved from the bed to the bathroom, with a toothbrush in hand. "I'll speak to him" Harry replied.

"Don't be a complete asshole to him, he just lost his mate" Louis said. "I won't I promise" Harry said. Exiting the bathroom, quickly kissing Louis as he buttoned up the shirt he wore.

The doorbell to the mansion rang. Louis answered it quickly. "Hello, I'm Franklin Marcello" he said. The name sounded awfully familiar. Then Louis remembered.

"Would you give me a moment, please I'll meet you in the office down that hallway" Louis said. Franklin entered the mansion. Louis quickly ran back up to the room he shared with Harry.

"Why didn't you tell me Franklin Marcello would be here" Louis said. On the calendar hung up in Harry's office had November 6th meeting with Franklin Marcello. "I'm going to kill you" Louis shouted. "Kill me with love darling, you have a meeting to do now go" Harry said.

Pushing Louis out of the room fully dressed and presentable. With a slap on the ass from Harry. Louis wanted to put the alpha in his place but he had business to attend to. "I'll get you for that Styles" Louis said. "I'll be waiting Tomlinson" Harry said.

Entering the office Franklin sat in a chair in front of Harry's desk. "Im sorry to keep you waiting" Louis said. "It's quite alright, I wasn't in any hurry" Franklin said. Louis sat in the chair. He felt powerful in it. No wonder he thought Harry looked so sexy when he sat in the chair. Must've been the powerful effect it had.

"It says here that you are a Beta, but you grew up in the alpha city" Louis said.

"My parents were both Alpha's, when Styles father went into power they gave me up to protect me" Franklin said.

"When did they give you up" Louis asked.

"When I was six, I was sent away to the beta city to live with my grandmother" Franklin said.

"What is your identification" Louis asked.

"I believe identities shouldn't separate us, but I would say that I was born a Beta to Alpha parents" Franklin said.

"For other jobs do you identify as an Alpha" Louis asked.

"Yes" Franklin said.

"Do you identify as an Alpha to be safe when it comes to different cities" Louis asked.

"Yes" Franklin said.

"What qualifies you for the job" Louis asked.

"I ran the refuge center in the Alpha city before it closed down, after that I helped build the omega refuge center and trained Ms. Lloyd who is running the facility" Franklin said.

"Do you feel comfortable being in the same house as the alpha leaders son" Louis asked.

Most candidates either excused themselves politely and left. Some left without another word.

"I believe working with the son will be a delight, I see no issue" Franklin said.

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