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Louis could barely breathe as he remained in the main room of the beta house. The beta children's bodies were on display in coffins.

Rosemary was dressed in long black dress, she looked presentable in the coffin she laid in. Dacre wore a tuxedo with his hair made up nice.

Beta sympathizers from Omega and Alpha lands gathered to mourn. More omegas than alphas showed up to the funeral for Beta children. Which didn't surprise Harry. His father most likely threatened to have any alpha who attended the funeral killed.

Speaking of fathers, he showed his hostile face at the funeral. "I'm terribly sorry for your loss dear girl" he said. If Edward was not standing close to Ellie she would of attacked him.

"Why is he here" Louis asked. Harry watched his fathers every move. Turning his head, he saw his father earning a sigh from the alpha. "Trying to get a reaction out of Ellie it seems" Harry said.

Harry watched as his father stopped in front of his older brother. "A beta girl such scum just like Omegas, Edward I expected better, I have a lovely girl for you at home Olivia" he said.

Ellie felt Edward squeeze her hand tightly as he tried to keep his composure. The bomb called Edward was about to explode. Ellie needed him to leave before things got bad.

Harry noticed his older brother's body language changing. "Stay here" Harry said. He causally walked up to the door. "Enough of this, I know what you're doing by playing mind games with my brother I suggest you sit down and be a civilized ABO citizen or leave take your pick" Harry said.

Harry's father fixed his tie and laughed. "A civilized ABO citizen, how ridiculous" he said. Walking to a empty chair in the back.

Edward remained quiet, his adrenaline was high from his fathers remarks. His fists were clenched with anger. "Fletcher get him out of here, don't let him leave the mansion keep him supervised" Harry said.

Edward looked at Ellie with sympathy before leaving. She knew that his father riled him up to the point of rage. "I'm sorry ma'am" He said. Keeping his head low, as tears threatened to flow. Before exiting into the next room with Fletcher.

Ellie took Harry's hand as the two of them walked down to the front row. "You won't be hard on him will you" Harry asked. "No, he's had a rough day as it is" Ellie said. Ellie and Harry made it to the front row near the two coffins.

Louis was seated in the front, a small smile was on his face as Harry came back. Ellie sat next to the alpha. Louis felt Harry's hand intertwine with his. The room went quiet as the priest began the service in Dacres and Rosemarys remembrance.

Harry's father sat behind Ellie. In his pocket was a small handgun. "A few words from the beta leader Ellie Fitzgerald" Pastor John said. Ellie stood up from her chair, making her way to the podium.

"Thank you all for the support you all have been giving me, it hasn't been an easy few days since Dacre and Rosemary died...they are with my parents now happier than ever" she said.

Ellie then sat back down next to Harry after giving her speech. Her body language seemed tense. Harry's father leaned forward to whisper something in her ear. "Would you like to be with your family" he asked. Ellie hesitated before nodding. "Now you'll die like them too" He said.

Ellie's body collapsed to the ground as blood poured out from her back, pooling into her dress. "Get that man out of here" Harry shouted. Beta guards rushed to the scene harshly grabbing his father and the weapon.

Louis helped Harry with Ellie's body. The guest frantically ran out of the room to safety. Edward stood at the door way. He saw Ellie's lifeless body.

Edward walked over to the scene. Dropping to his knees he took her cold hand in his. "I'm so sorry" Louis said. Edward kissed her palm, resting it upon his cheek. Trying to warm it up with his body heat.

"She was expecting, we were going to be parents I was beyond thrilled" Edwards voice shook. Under her black dress hid a small baby bump. She was nine weeks with baby girl. That neither Edward or Ellie were ever going to meet.

That night Ellie's body would be cremated. Her ashes remain with Edward in a ern on his shelve and in a necklace that he never takes off. Every night he kisses the necklace before going to bed.

He still has the ultrasound pictures on his desk to remember what almost was.

"Goodnight ma'am...this isn't forever we will be together soon" Edward said. Switching the lamp off before closing his eyes to fall in a sorrowful sleep.

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