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Louis arrived home from the neutral zone twenty minutes later. Harry's scent still lingered on his coat.

Opening the door to his home, the warm air greeted the cold outside. "Soups done Lou" Johanna said. Hanging his coat up he sat at the table. In front of him sat a bowl of hot soup.

Louis noticed none of his sisters were eating with him. "Where is everyone" Louis asked. "Your sisters already ate" Johanna said.

"Mum I need to talk to you about something" Louis said. "If it's about that alpha boy I could smell it on your coat from here" Johanna said.

Come on Louis man up for once in your omega life. Make a change...don't you want out of this town.

Louis went on and said. "He's asked me to go to the alpha city with him" Louis said. Johanna didn't say anything for a moment. "Why" Johanna asked.

Louis looked at his soup. "You have a connection with him" Johanna said. Louis nodded. "Do you know who that boy is, he's not just a average alpha" Johanna said. "Yes I know, it's scaring me too if I'm being completely honest" Louis said.

Good Louis...Now bring up the housing.

"He also mentioned that the alpha city offers omega housing, he'd provide trusted protection for you and the girls" Louis said. Johanna watched her son collect his words.

"Unbelievable you actually believed him, you actually think he's going to provide protection for all of us omegas" Johanna said. "I don't think he's lying, I think he's honest" Louis said.

"If you think he's honest, go be with him in the alpha city..." Johanna said. "Mum I am not leaving without you and the girls...I told him that" Louis said. "I'm not in the mood to fight on this so leave" Johanna said.

Louis didn't have to do anything else, before he left that house. Stopping outside the door he felt like crying. His own mother gave him up. He went to the neutral zone. Where he'd have a bed to sleep on and food to eat.

The neutral zone wasn't just a library. Louis found a cot close to a window, the blanket was itchy but he didn't mind. It was only for the night, he hoped.
Harry found him the next morning sleeping on the cot. "Louis" Harry asked. Louis groaned in his sleep.

Harry decided to play with his hair as he slept. "Mmm that feels nice" Louis said. Harry smiled slightly, he found Louis talking in his sleep cute.

"Why don't you and I get out of here" Harry said. "Where would we go" Louis asked. Waking him up with a peck on the lips. "The alpha city of course" Harry said.

"You do realize that was my first kiss" Louis said. "Pecks on the lips don't count darling" Harry said. Louis rolled his eyes. "Come on, the train is arriving in a hour" Harry said.

"I don't have any clothes since my mum kicked me out" Louis said. "I'll provide you all you could want when you become my omega" Harry said.

Louis froze at his words. "What do you mean when I become your omega" Louis said.

Harry saw the worry in Louis face. "I'm planning on mating with you Louis when you arrive to the alpha city" Harry said. "Mating...why do you want to do that with someone like me" Louis said.

"Remember that connection between the two of us...the day we met it grew stronger I can't go on with life without you" Harry said. "That sounds insane" Louis said. "I'm aware, but I believe we're meant to be do you trust me to be your alpha" Harry said.

Louis nodded he wanted to see what the future would hold if he had an alpha by his side.

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