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Death tastes sweet when you're an alpha leader...

Harry and Louis went back to their shared room. "Why did you agree to go" Louis asked. "To shut him up" Harry said.

Harry angrily went to his office, without another word. Leaving Louis alone unattended.

Louis decided he wouldn't sit still and look pretty, he went to find Alaina. Looking throughout the whole mansion he couldn't find her. "Alaina" Louis shouted. Silence filled the halls, Sam came out of a room.

She saw Louis in a frantic state. "Where is Alaina" Louis asked. Sam looked sad, her eyes were filled with pain. "Harry's father sold her to another family in Italy" Sam said. "I never got to say goodbye" Louis said.

Sam cried out "I didn't get to see her go either, it's like he planned this" Sam said. Louis held her as she cried. "We need to do something about this" Sam said. "I'll talk to Harry about this ok I'll see what he can do" Louis said.

Louis went to Harry's office, he saw him working at his desk. "I need to talk to you" Louis said. "What about" Harry said. "You're father had Alaina sent away to Italy, Sam and I want her back" Louis said.

"I can't get Alaina back" Harry said. Louis looked at the alpha with a unbelievable expression. "That's Sam's sister...you must bring her back" Louis pleaded. Harry didn't answer Louis after that.

"That's it then...you won't do anything to help Sam and Alaina" Louis said. Harry continued to work, "You're just like your father...you don't care about omegas like me fuck you and the capital with all the alpha people in it" Louis said.

Louis turned his back heading towards the door to leave Harry's office. When he felt Harry grab him roughly, pushing him against the door. "Don't ever compare me to my father he's dead to me" Harry said.

"Why the fuck do you still live in his house daddy's boy" Louis said.

Harry's hand met Louis face slapping him hard. Louis looked at him in shock. Harry broke his one rule, he will never hurt Louis.

Louis ran out of Harry's office with tears down his face. Passing Sam in the process. "Louis" Sam shouted.

She followed Louis out of the mansion. "Where are you going" Sam said. Louis turned around with tears in his eyes. "He swore he wouldn't hurt me" Louis said.

Sam saw the pain in his eyes. "After we visited his father last night was when the anger got the best of him" Louis said. "He didn't hit you again did he" Sam asked. Louis shook his head.

"He seemed different" Louis said. Sam listened to Louis story. Lurking in the shadows stood death himself. Next to him was Harry's father.

"It's all going to plan" he said. "Excellent, by this time e tomorrow that omega boy will be dead" Harry's father said. But the angel of death saw something different. Now that the tides have turned a new ending will be upon someone else. But who?

To be continued...

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