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Louis walked into the office he heard conversations happening from the outside, so he knocked before entering. "I'm terribly sorry to be late Franklin" Louis said. The omega fixed his hair not bothering to look up. Franklin was sitting across from potential investors to the company. "It's quite alright Lou, I was just making introductions with Ms. Wells she's looking for a company to invest in" Franklin said.

Kathryn Wells a twenty three year old Omega who managed to make it through this cold world as an investor. "It's wonderful to meet you Mr. Tomlinson, Franklin here has been telling me about you" Kathryn said. "All good things I hope" Louis said. Glancing over at Franklin, who happened to be nodding. "He mentioned that you wanted to open a shelter for Omegas and Betas here in the Beta city" Kathryn said. "Yes, I believe that the Betas and Omegas should have a safe place if they don't have anyplace to go, I'd also like a shelter to be built in the Alpha city, But we can wait another day for that" Louis said.

Kathryn smiled as she wrote, "I like the way you think Mr. Tomlinson" she said. "Please, I am a Omega just like you, Louis is fine" Louis said. Kathryn's eyes went wide, she looked at Franklin. "I'd say at first glance I thought you were a Beta, from the way you speak it's definitely a Beta" Kathryn said. Louis sighed loudly, "I'm a Omega, my mate Harry is a Alpha" Louis said. Kathryn stopped writing completely, she looked up. "You're mated to Harry Styles the Alphas son" Kathryn said. "Yes I am" Louis said. "Are you scared to work in the same home as the Alphas son" Franklin asked. Louis smirked, he asked the same question to Franklin when he was hired for the job. Kathryn smiled, she wasn't afraid of an alpha. "He better watch out for me I may bite" Kathryn said. Franklin laughed loudly, "I like her already" Franklin said. Louis shook Kathryn's hand, "Welcome to the team Kathryn Wells" Louis said. "It's Kathryn" She said. Kathryn smirked at Louis playfully. The rest of the morning the three of them worked in Louis tiny office.



"I don't know about this" Edward said. Harry fixed his older brothers tie one too many times. "You will go in there and win the Beta council's hearts" Harry said. The younger brother pushed his older brother towards the doors that led to the Beta council. Edward looked at Harry, "Show time" Edward said.

Little did the council know Harry would be with his brother. "Testing one two" Harry whispered. "Don't do that it's weirding me out" Edward said. Edward sat on a bench, he waited to be called up to the stand by the council. Harry could see everything from a little camera that was hidden in Edwards tie. Unlocking his car, Harry waited for the show to begin.

"We welcome you all on this fine Monday Morning to discuss the candidates for our new Beta Leader" Council member Leonard said.

Edward gulped a little louder than expected. "Our first candidate is Edward Styles...it says here that you are unidentified" Leonard said.

"Say you are a Beta who grew up in a alpha family, you were adopted by a alpha family at a young age" Harry said.

"Mr. Styles we're waiting" Leonard said. "I remain unidentified because I believe that we shouldn't have to be labeled as such" Edward said. That made the crowd begin to chat with one another.

"Mr. Styles, you had a relationship with the former Beta leader Fitzgerald, may she rest in peace, is this true" Leonard said.

"It is, I loved her and she loved me, at one point she was carrying our child, sadly she was killed by..."

"By who...Mr. Styles" Leonard asked.

"It's ok Ed you can say our fathers name" Harry said.

The room was quiet, the crowd was on the edge of their seats as they waited.

"It was my Father the Alpha leader, who killed the love of my life, Ellie Fitzgerald, Your Beta leader..."

A symphony of chatter broke out. Leonard did his best to gain the attention of the room back.

"Did you have any part in Ellie Fitzgeralds killing" Leonard asked.

"No, why would I? I loved her to much to have killed her myself"

"Thank you Mr. Styles" Leonard said.

Edward went back to his seat at the bench, meanwhile back in the car Harry was shocked.

"That's all they asked...man fuck that council" Harry said. He drove off, he needed a drink after that meeting. Ed can walk home.

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