Falling for you

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      ***Tw: mentioning of self-harm and smut***

It was nearly 10:00 pm and all of the classes were wrapping up. The campers went to their cabins to get ready for bed leaving all the counselors outside.

"Man, I'm beat" Jacob sighed.

"Ditto" Kaitlyn agreed.

"Oh come on guys let's have some fun" said Dylan.

"What did you have in mind?" questioned Nick.

" I don't know we could tell stories by the campfire or go for a late night swim" Dylan suggested.

"Telling stories could be fun, I'm in" said Emma.

"On second thought I don't feel so tired" Jacob said while standing up.

"Wow what a coincidence" said Dylan.

"It's not a coincidence, I just realized that storytelling would be really fun" Jacob scoffed.

"Sure... anyways what about the rest of you guys?" Dylan asked.

"You guys go ahead I'm going to bed" Kaitlyn yawned.

"Aw come on it will be fun" Dylan whined.

"Nope I need my beauty rest, you think this masterpiece just creates itself?" Kaitlyn said gesturing towards her face.

"Hehe" Dylan snickered, not taking Kaitlyn seriously.

"Shut up" Kaitlyn said while walking to her cabin.

"Are the rest of you in?" Dylan questioned.

"I don't know it's pretty late" said Abi.

"Come onnn let's have some fun, camp is almost over" Emma pleaded.

"...Fine..." Abi reluctantly agreed.

"Nick, Ryan" Dylan asked turning towards the two.

"Sure why not" Nick replied.

"Nah I'm kinda tired" said Ryan.

"Aww please join us I'm sure you'll have fun" Dylan begged.

"Ugh fine" Ryan responded.

They all headed towards the campfire and Dylan was suddenly very visibly happy causing Ryan to smile slightly to himself.

"Wait we need s'mores" said Jacob.

"Yeah totally, go get the stuff and meet us at the campfire" Nick said eagerly.

"You got it" Jacob said while running towards the kitchen.

"Great there's a bunch of sticks here already" said Dylan.

"Good cause there's no way I'm wandering around the forest at night" Emma said while sitting down.

They all sat down around the campfire with Abi sitting near Emma, Emma sitting near Ryan, Ryan sitting near Nick, and Nick sitting near Dylan.

"...Okay so who wants to go first?" Abi questioned.

"I will however we should probably wait for Jacob to get back..." Dylan said.

"I have returned!" Jacob shouted.

"Quiet down, the kids are sleeping" Emma shushed.

They all grab a stick and pass around the s'mores ingredients so they all can make one.

"Alrighty so I'll start" said Dylan.

"Wait what kind of stories are we telling? Funny ones? Scary ones? Embarrassing ones?" Emma asked.

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