Living With The Star Wide Receiver pt 2

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Tw: Slight smut

"I'm kinda hungry" Nick said, breaking the silence.

"Me too" you agreed with a nod.

"There's like no food here, you wanna go shopping?"

"Sure, are you driving?"

He stood up and extended his hand towards you as if he was going to escort you "Yup, your chariot awaits"

You decided to play along "Thank you sir but I must prepare myself first"

"Okay I'll be out here" he said as you disappeared into your room.

You tidied up your hair and changed into a hoodie and leggings since you weren't going anywhere fancy but before you left you made sure to grab your wallet.

"Let's go" you said once you returned to the living room.

He led the way to his car and opened the door for you. "After you" he motioned for you to go inside.

"Thank you" you said as you got in and put on your seatbelt.

When you were near the end of your drive you saw that he was going to a grocery store that was near a plaza. "Ooh can we go clothes shopping first?"

"Yeah sure" he parked by the clothing store.

You got out of the car first and Nick soon followed after you. "You're coming with me?"

"Uh... yeah? Do you mind?"

"No I just figured you would stay in the car. It doesn't seem like this place has stuff you'd wear" you said, pointing at the very feminine clothing displayed in the window.

He opened the door for you allowing you to enter. "I can help you decide what to get"

You responded with a shrug. "Okay then"

As you walked around the store, he closely followed behind you and stopped to look at different things that piqued his interest.

Once you were done, you headed to the changing room with 3 different outfits. This first one was a black sweatshirt with a short skirt.

You did a little spin when you left the changing room. "What do you think?"

Nick looked up from his phone and directed his attention back to you. "I like it"

You went back in and returned wearing a leather jacket over a black tube top with black leggings. Your third outfit was a white off the shoulder sweater with ripped jeans.

"I like all of them, they look really good on you" Nick said to which you thanked him and changed back into your original clothes.

You headed to the checkout with all the outfits in hand. "You're getting all of them? Do you even like them?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, why would I get them if I didn't like them?"

"I don't know... maybe because I said I liked them?" you could hear the smirk form on his face as he spoke.

"Whaaat? Of course not, I would never just buy something to impress a guy"

"Sure, whatever you say"

Once you paid, you left your bags in his car and went to the grocery store. Nick grabbed a cart and the two of you walked through the doors. Since it was the middle of the afternoon, the store was fairly empty which you appreciated.

Nick looked around the aisle before hopping inside the cart. "C'mon y/n push me!" He shouted, radiating the joy of a young child.

"Aren't you too old to be doing this?" you giggled as you began pushing the cart.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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