Living with the Star Wide Receiver

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You had finally graduated from highschool and were taking the big step that is going away to college. About halfway into your final year of highschool, you had received an acceptance letter to your dream college where you were planning on studying graphic design. You weren't exactly looking forward to being around a bunch of new people however you were excited about sharing a dorm with your best friend, Kaitlyn. Just over 4 years ago, you met in your grade 9 homeroom and have been friends since. You normally had a hard time making friends since you were so quiet but Kaitlyn being so outgoing managed to get through to you.

On August 31, you were finally leaving home to live on campus. Your mother was eager to go with you however you insisted you would be fine and reassured her that you would call and visit as much as you could. After putting most of your belongings in your car you began the hour long drive to your new school. You and Kaitlyn were assigned to room 209 in sector A which lucky for you, wasn't too far away from the parking lot. In 3 trips you were able to bring all your stuff to the dorm room. After about half an hour of being in the room, Kaitlyn still hadn't arrived however you figured she was just running late since that was pretty common for her. To pass the time you unpacked your boxes and organized your room. About 10 minutes later you heard the door open and raced out of your room to greet your friend.

"Hey Kaitlyn..." you trailed off as you were greeted by someone that was not Kaitlyn. "Uh, who are you?"

"I'm Nick, nice to meet you"

"Why are you here? I was supposed to share the dorm with someone else"

"Sorry, I talked to the dean and they said there was some sort of issue. I can take you there if you'd like"

"Sure I guess" you said before you hesitantly followed him out the door.

"Their office is in there" Nick said as he gestured towards the door in front of you.

"Yeah thanks..." you approached the door but couldn't bring yourself to knock.

"Uhh, would you like me to knock for you?"

"Yeah" you giggled nervously "If you don't mind"

"It's no problem at all" he said before knocking a few times on the door.

After a few moments, you heard a "Come in" from the other side of the door.

"And what can I do for you two?"

"I was wondering what happened with my dorm, I was supposed to share it with someone else"

"My apologies, many people got switched around because there were several students who got accepted but didn't show up. If there are any serious issues, let me know"

"Alright, thank you" you said before exiting and shutting the door behind you.

The two of you walked back to the dorm in silence until Nick spoke up. "Sorry if you're disappointed about sharing the dorm with me"

"It's fine, it's not like it's your fault anyways"

When you made it back to your dorm, you went straight to your room to lie on your bed. When you checked your phone you saw a notification from Kaitlyn which read: "major bummer about us not being in the same room. Who did you end up with?"

"Some guy named Nick. What about you?"

"A girl named Laura. What room number are you?"


"Sweet! I'm in 200, it's to the left of you. Come over!"

"Okay, give me a minute"

When you left your room you saw Nick organizing stuff in the living room. "you headed somewhere?"

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