Infection pt 2

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*** Tw: slight mentioning of murder ***

An additional 4 months had passed and there hadn't been much change. Nick continued to show improvement in his werewolf form and you were even able to be in the same room as him. During one of the recent full moons you sat at the bottom of the stairs while Nick was transformed but he didn't harm you. After smelling you he seemed to recognize your scent and started acting more like a puppy than the beast he appeared to be. Over these few months you and the other counselors attempts to find Silas had been unsuccessful.

It was currently another full moon and you had just sat down in your office when you got a phone call.


"Why hello y/n". You didn't recognize the persons voice but it sounded like a woman.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Aww you don't remember me? That's a shame. Anyways, I'm calling because I have some information that would be of use to you"

"What are you talking about?"

"I can help you kill Silas".

Your interest had peaked. "How?"

"Meet me at Hackett's Quarry and I'll tell you"

"That place has been closed since the incident"

"That's good, no one else will be around to eavesdrop"

This sounded extremely sketchy to you however the possibility of having a way to cure Nick made you willing to go.


"Meet me there at 8:00pm and come alone"


Once Nick had washed away the remnants of his transformation, you brought up the phone call with him.

"What? That's crazy!" Nick protested.

"But we might be able to cure you!"

"You shouldn't meet up with some stranger and risk your life just for me!"

"I'm aware of the risk and I'm doing this because I care about you. Besides it may also help the others"

"I don't know..."

"I'll be fine, I may be alone but I won't be unarmed. You know how many weapons I've gotten for all this werewolf stuff"

"Fine but call me as soon as you're leaving and if I don't hear from you in a hour I'm going there"

"Okay" you smiled.

You lived about an hour away from the summer camp so you left around 6:50pm.

"Please be careful y/n" Nick warned.

"I will, don't worry" you reassured Nick before leaving him with a kiss.

It was fall meaning the sun set much earlier, making the environment even creepier. You got out of your car with your switchblade in your back pocket and surveyed your surroundings. All that could be heard was faint animal noises and you started wondering if the lady was late.

"Why hello" the woman said when she emerged from the trees behind you.

She ended up startling you however your facial expression quickly changed from scared to disgusted when you saw who it was.

"Constance." you spat with grimace. You despised this woman with your entire being.

"Aww what's with that face?" Constance asked innocently.

The Quarry Nick Furcillo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now