Torn Between Two Lovers (Emma Ending)

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The car ride home was really awkward since Mr. H felt guilty about putting you all through this so he wasn't talking much. The counselors weren't speaking much either as you all were still processing what happened and the fact that Abi was gone. At this point you were exhausted and you were starting to fall asleep however your head kept falling forwards which woke you up. Eventually Emma noticed this so she gently moved you so that your head was resting on her shoulder. You found this gesture really nice however you were too tired to respond so you just smiled as you fell asleep. An hour or so later, you felt someone nudging your shoulder. "y/n... y/n! Wake up" Emma said. You rubbed your eyes before looking around "We're back?"

"Yes sleepyhead, get out of the car" Emma laughed.

"Ugh I'm still tired"

"Well you can take a proper nap when you get home" Emma said as she handed you your bag.


The spot where you got picked up for camp was only 10 or so minutes from your house so you just walked back home. Emma started walking in the same direction as you which confused you. "Are you following me or something?" you joked.

"No, my house is pretty close too"

"Alright then, let's go"

As you walked you guys talked about school and your plans for the future as you were trying not to focus on what happened last night. At some point in your conversation, Emma intertwined her fingers with yours and you slightly blushed while looking at your hands. You walked and chatted for a few more minutes before Emma had to go a different direction. "Alright well I have to go this way" Emma said as she pointed to the right.

"Okay..." you said while sounding disappointed.

"Cheer up, I'll call you later assuming your not still asleep"

Emma went to give you a hug and you accepted as you wrapped your arms around her.

"Bye!" Emma said.

"Bye" you said, waving to her.

Once you had made it home, you were greeted by your younger brother which was very unusual. You went to hug him back and asked your mother: "what's up with him?".

"He really missed you, he kept asking me when you were gonna be home"

"Oh" you said as you smiled down at him. I guess he did actually care even if he didn't normally show it.

You went upstairs to shower and change into some warm clothes. Once you made it to your room, you collapsed onto your bed and fell asleep within minutes. However before you fell asleep, you heard a notification on your phone and it was a text from Emma that read: "sweet dreams :)" You decided you would respond later and you fell asleep smiling. When you woke up it was 4 pm and you felt much better. After stretching you went to respond to Emma's text and said that you were awake now. A few minutes later, she called you and you answered immediately.

"Hii, did you sleep well?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, what have you been up to?" you asked.

"I slept for a while and I've just been watching YouTube videos for the past hour or so "Anyways, I wanted to see if you wanted to do something today".

"Like what"

"We could go to that cafe near the park" Emma suggested.

"Okay sure, what time?"

"Umm, is 5:30 okay?"

"Yup I'll see you soon, bye" you said.


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