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               *** Tw: this story contains smut ***

Prior to summer camp you and Nick had been dating for 2 years. You met at college while you were a freshman and Nick was a sophomore and after dating for a little over a year, you decided to move in together. Of all the things you thought you would have to deal with while living together, neither of you expected having to deal with a blood thirsty monster every month. Despite everyone's valiant efforts, the werewolf curse wasn't cured as Laura's hesitation with the shotgun caused her headless body to be left lifeless. Unfortunately due to this, Nick still lives with the werewolf infection coursing through his veins.

It has been 3 years since that awful night and all your attempts to end the curse have been unsuccessful. Over the years you worked with Max, Dylan, Abi, Jacob, and Kaitlyn to hunt Silas as you all had someone you loved or held dear to your heart killed or infected. This was an extremely difficult task as Silas was nowhere near Hackett's Quarry. For the few of you whose lover was alive but infected, you would go out to hunt every other full moon so you could be there to assist your partner occasionally. You and Abi both had setups in your basement for your infected partners. In order to keep the area clean you lined the walls with garbage bags and kept a small camera in the area so you could study their condition. The only information you learned was that Nick is now conscious in his werewolf form and Emma was able to know specifically when she would transform.

It was now the morning before the next full moon. You were about to get out of bed when you felt two arms wrap around your waist. Nick heard you getting up even though the sound was barely audible to you. "Noo stay"

"Baby, I have to go cook" You giggled at how Nick was acting.

"But it's Saturday we don't have anywhere to be today. Pleasssse?" He begged.

"Fine" You settled back into bed and positioned yourself so that Nick could lay down on your chest"

Nick tended to be really clingy just before the full moon. He liked being close to you, even more than usual so he would lay on your chest as he could hear your heartbeat, he found it comforting. After half an hour or so, Nick finally let you leave the bed however he didn't leave your side. You had grown used to his behaviour however you had difficulty functioning with Nick clinging to you at first. Once you both had eaten, you returned to your bedroom to work on an essay for English. For a while Nick was content with you focusing on your homework but he eventually got bored with his phone.

Nick tossed his phone aside and directed his attention back to you. "Are you almost done?"

"Yeah, I should be done in half an hour"

"But I want attention nowww" Nick pleaded.

"I'm sorry but I have to submit this by tonight"

He looked up at you with puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

You gave him a kiss on his forehead before saying: "I promise, only 30 minutes"

Nick huffed out in annoyance and let out exaggerated sighs while you were working in hopes that you would pay attention to him. When you were done, you played games, watched tv, and just enjoyed each other's company until around 9:00 pm. As time passed, Nicks mannerisms slowly went from cute and playful to sexual and seductive. This was another side effect of the werewolf infection. When it was closer to midnight, his desire grew even more. He couldn't keep his hands off you and two hours later your legs were quivering uncontrollably and you were left breathless. You spent the majority of the remaining minutes of the day cuddling until the clock read 11:55 meaning it was time for you to part. You headed down to the basement and left Nick with a kiss before leaving. "Okay I'll be back as soon as I can, I love you"

The Quarry Nick Furcillo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now