Caught p2

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                   ***This story contains smut***

Giving into his desire, Nick laid his head back and let you continue.

Using your saliva as lube, you stroked his dick slowly. While maintaining eye contact and still stroking his dick, you reached behind your back to unclip your bra, giving Nick a better view. He responded by moving his hands to your breasts and gently squeezed them before playing with your nipples. You lowered your head again and put his entire length in your mouth causing him to moan. As you bobbed your head up and down, progressively quickening your pace, Nick's moans grew louder and more consistent causing you to get wet. After a couple more minutes of this, his dick twitched in your mouth. "Fuck......y/n... I'm gonna-" Nick moaned. Once he said this, he came in your mouth and you swallowed quickly.

After Nick came down from his high and his breathing slowed down, you took off your panties. You then positioned yourself on top of him and inserted 2 fingers inside your pussy to prepare yourself. When you felt like you were ready, you positioned your entrance over his dick and slowly lowered yourself. You slightly gritted your teeth as you sat all the way down. "Fuck" you exhaled.

You took a few seconds to adjust to his size and once you were more comfortable, you slowly started bouncing on his dick. As you started moving at a constant pace, Nick moved his hands to your hips to support your movements. As you continued bouncing on his dick, you leaned forward and smashed your lips into Nick's, engaging in a long and passionate kiss. You began to quicken your pace causing Nick to throw his head back in pleasure while moaning. 

Nick moved his left hand to your clit and began rubbing your clit with his thumb causing you to let out a moan. You then placed your hands behind you, on Nick's upper thighs and used the support to move faster. As time went on you felt your orgasm nearing. Soon you felt Nick twitch inside of you signalling he was close. "y/n... y-you should stop I'm really close" Nick said.

"mmm it's fine it's my safe day" After you said that, Nick came deep inside you, filling you with his hot cum and moaning loudly while doing so. This sensation combined with your g-spot being stimulated caused you to reach your orgasm. You threw your head back and let out endless moans as you rode out your high. After both of you came down from your high, Nick pulled out of you and you went to use the bathroom. When you returned you turned off the lights and got back into bed with Nick. You laid your head on his chest and listened to the peaceful sound of his heartbeat as you drifted off to sleep.

I hope you liked this story and if anyone has any suggestions feel free to comment them! :)

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