Taking Control

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Today at camp the counselors had a day off and were free to do whatever they wanted while the campers remained in their cabins. The counselors decided to go canoeing during the afternoon.

After lunch, the counselors headed to the docks after grabbing life jackets.

"Aw yeah this is gonna be awesome!" Jacob exclaimed.

"Damn right!" Nick agreed.

"Well hurry up then" Dylan shouted while far ahead of the others.

When they all reached the docks, they climbed into the canoes in groups of two to three. The groups were Emma, Abi, and Kaitlyn, Dylan, Jacob, and Ryan, and you and Nick. You two had been dating for a month or so at this point.

"Why aren't we going anywhere?" Dylan asked.

"You have to paddle on the other side or else we're going to keep spinning in circles". Ryan replied.

"Oh yeah.. I knew that I just wanted to see if you knew what you were doing" Dylan said while moving his paddle to the right side of the canoe.

"Hmm that makes sense" said Ryan.

"Hey hurry up slowpokes!" Emma taunted.

"Hang on we're still getting the hang of this!" Jacob yelled.

"Hey you guys wanna race?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Sure!" Jacob replied.

"Okay the group that makes it to those rocks over there and back first wins" said Kaitlyn.

"And what does the winner get?" Dylan asked.

"How about... the loser has to do the winners chores for a week?" Emma suggested.

"You're on" Nick said.

At that moment they all set off and Dylan's group took the lead.

"Hah eat my dust" Jacob taunted.

"Oh shut up, you're only in the lead for now" said Kaitlyn.

"Hey, you're really good at this" Nick said.

"Well me and my family have gone canoeing a bunch of times"

"That's really cool" Nick replied.

At the halfway point, Kaitlyn's group was in lead, followed by your group, and then Dylan's. "Not so fast now huh?" Kaitlyn shouted back.

"We decided to be gentlemen and let you take the lead for now" said Dylan.

"Yeah right" Emma scoffed.

With Kaitlyn and Dylan's group insulting each other throughout the entire race, you and Nick were able to pull ahead and won the race.

"Aw man" Jacob said.

"Good job guys" Abi said.

"Hell yeah!" Nick exclaimed while standing up.

"Be careful!" you warned.

"It's fine, I just have to rub it in Jacob's face that we wo-" Nick started but his sentence was cut short when he slipped and fell in the water.

"Nick!" Jacob yelled.

"Is he okay?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I got him!" you said while reaching your hand in the water to grab Nick's hand.

"Ow fuck!" Nick shouted as he brought his head above the surface.

"What is it?" you asked while helping Nick back into the canoe.

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