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*** This story contains smut ***

You and Nick had been living together for nearly two years. You were 21 and Nick was 22 and you both were working through university. It was July 2nd, or Nick's birthday and you had just woke up at 7 to make him breakfast. You quietly slipped out of bed and made your way downstairs to the kitchen. You decided to make Nick's favourite: chocolate chip waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon. When you were done, it was about 7:30 and you placed the food on a tray and carefully brought it up to stairs. Nick normally got up around 6 even if he didn't need to however he finally listened to you and slept in. When you returned to your bedroom you kissed Nick's forehead until he woke up.

Nick yawned before saying: "morning, you're not usually up before me".

"Well I wanted to make you breakfast and besides that, Happy birthday!" you exclaimed as you moved the tray closer to Nick.

"Aww thank you"  Nick said before he gave you a kiss on the cheek.

After Nick finished eating he said: "so what are we going to do today".

"Well first... presents!"

You went to your closet and came out with several packages.

"Man, you sure do spoil me" Nick chuckled.

"Open them!"

The first gift was a pair of wireless headphones.

"I got these since you're always complaining that only one side of your current headphones work"

The second gift was a gold-tone stainless steel watch.

"Woah, thank you but how much was this?" Nick asked.

"Don't worry about it, open the next one"

The third gift was God of War Ragnarok.

"Holy shit how'd you get this? It was sold out everywhere I checked."

"I have my ways" you said as you handed him the last gift.

The last gift was a bunch of manga, with multiple volumes from the various series he liked.

"Oh my god I've wanted the next parts of these for so long, thank you" he said before he wrapped his arms around you.

"Anything for you. What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know, do you have anything planned?" Nick asked.

"Maybeee and even if I do, we have time to spare" you said.

"Well in that case, do you mind if I game for a while?"

"Of course not, you can do whatever you want"

"Wait, you got something to eat right?"

"Yes don't worry, I had some cereal a little while ago"

"Okay good"

Nick played the new game he got for a few hours and while he did, you watched him and scrolled through your phone.

"Okay we should probably get ready now" you said.

"For what?" Nick asked.

"I thought we could go to an escape room"

"Sounds great"

You both got dressed and left your house around 10:20. Since you were the one driving, you placed your hand on Nick's thigh. He wasn't really phased by this but a few minutes later you started to move your hand further up his thigh causing him to tense up. "Uh what are you doing?"

The Quarry Nick Furcillo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now