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                   *** This story contains smut ***

It was around 1:00 pm and the guys were in the woods chopping wood for the campfire  later that night. Earlier that week the counselors played a game of beer pong in teams and they decided that the losers had to get the firewood for the upcoming campfire. While the guys were gone, the girls hung out in Kaitlyn's cabin and played heads up. 

"Okay so what am I again?" Abi asked.

"You're orange..." Kaitlyn said.

"With stripes..." you added.

"A basketball?" Abi said.

"What? No the category is animals" Laura said.

"Oh! You're friends with a bear" Emma exclaimed.

"Huh?" you said with a puzzled look on your face.

"I can't explain it then she'll know right away" Emma said.

"Okay then... you're a cereal mascot" Kaitlyn said directing her attention back to Abi.

"Orange... stripes... cereal mascot...." Abi muttered.

"Oh! Am I a tiger?" Abi asked.

"Yup, you got it" Emma said giving Abi a high five.

"Okay that makes 20 rounds, I'm done" Laura said.

"The guys should be back soon, what do you wanna do in the meantime?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I don't know I guess we could-" Abi started.

Her sentence was cut short by a notification sound that was heard from all girls phones. They checked their phones and saw that the notification was from the counselor group chat. Dylan sent a few pictures of the guys out in the woods. All of the guys were shirtless, sweaty, and posing while they chopped wood. In the pictures Dylan and Jacob were clearly trying to show off while Ryan was off to the side, minding his business and Max was simply posing, not going over the top. Off to the right of the picture you saw Nick with one hand on his hips and the other behind his neck holding an axe. His hair slightly stuck to his forehead and his abs were glistening under the hot summer heat. "They're so dumb" Kaitlyn laughed.

"No wonder they're taking so long" Emma said.

All the other girls were either humoured by the images or didn't react very much except for you. As you continued to stare at the picture you got more and more turned on and felt yourself start to get wet. It had been a few minutes of you just staring at the images and not saying a word before Kaitlyn said: "Hey are you okay y/n?" After you were brought out of your trance you said: "Y-yeah I'm fine I just remembered that I have some work to do"

"What work?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Umm I have homework" you replied.

"Homework? But you graduated highschool already." Kaitlyn said sounding confused.

"Yeah I know, it's uh homework for an language class I'm in" you said.

"Oh cool, what language?" Laura asked.

"Umm German" you replied.

"Well okay then, see you later" Kaitlyn said.

"Bye!" you said as you left the cabin.

You hurried to your cabin and let out a loud sigh as you shut the door behind you. You had no idea why but that picture of Nick was driving you crazy. You quickly discarded your clothes and sat on your bed with your back against the headboard. You opened the group chat again and zoomed in on the part of the picture where Nick was as you brought your hand to your pussy. You slowly circled your clit with your middle finger as you let your mind run wild. You then began rubbing your clit with a circular motion causing you to start letting out soft moans. You quickened your pace and then used your wetness to insert one finger inside your pussy.

You began to pump them in and out slowly and inserted another finger causing your moans to become louder. As you got closer and closer to your orgasm, you shut your eyes, taking in the pleasure. As you continued doing this, the door to your cabin burst open. "Nick! You have to start knocking" you said as your threw your phone out of shock. "Sorry I was just coming to ask you if you were going to help with the party planning" Nick said as he bent to pick up your phone. When he picked it up, he saw that the picture of him was on your phone. At first, he looked confused but then smirked as he realized that you were naked underneath your blanket.

"You like seeing me with my shirt off hm?" Nick said as he went to shut the door before removing his shirt revealing his chiseled six pack. He then walked over to your bed and pulled the blanket off of you, causing you to cover your body with your hands. "W-what are you doing" you stuttered. "Don't be shy" Nick said as he removed your hands. "I'm just here to enjoy the show". After realizing he was serious, you brought you hand back to your pussy and started gently rubbing your clit. Despite this sensation feeling amazing you tried not to moan as you felt a little awkward doing this in front of Nick. As you were doing this, Nick became hard causing him to pull the rest of his clothes down and start stroking his dick.

This made you feel more comfortable, causing you to starting letting out soft moans. As time went on, you both increased your pace, while moaning more frequently, turning each other on more. Since you started sooner, you got close to your orgasm sooner. "Fuckk I'm gonna cum" you moaned. "Hang on y/n I'm almost there". Nick said. You began to slow your pace in attempts to delay your orgasm. "N-Nick I don't think I can hold on much longer" you said. "Mm it's fine cum, cum with me" Nick moaned.

At that moment, you both climaxed, throwing your heads back in pleasure at the same time. After you both came down from your highs Nick said "Ready for the real thing?" "Get over here" you said as you grabbed Nick pulling him into a kiss. Since you were both warmed up already, he put his dick inside you right away. Once you adjusted to his size, you told Nick to start moving. As he was thrusting, he let out low moans, turning you on more. He moved his hand to your clit and started rubbing it at a fast pace causing you to cover your mouth to stifle your moans. Nick then moved your hand away from your mouth and said: "Don't do that, I wanna hear how good I make you feel".

"Come on, get on all fours" Nick said after pulling out of you. Once you got into that position, Nick slammed back into you causing you let out a loud moan. As he thrusted into you relentlessly, your arms gave out causing you to bury your face in the mattress. He started rubbing your clit again bringing you extremely close to your orgasm. "Fuck I'm so close!" you exclaimed. "Cum for me" Nick said as he tightened his grip on your ass, allowing him to move even faster. At that moment you came, releasing all over his dick. Shortly after you came down from your high, Nick said he was close so you changed positions so you could finish him off with your mouth. He came after a few seconds, releasing his hot liquid in your mouth and you swallowed quickly. You sat on the bed waiting for Nick to come down from his high before gesturing from him to get up and follow you to the bathroom. "Come on let's get ready for that campfire" you said. "After you" Nick replied as you both headed to the bathroom.

Hopefully this story was good and there may be more time between updates because of schoolwork but I'll try to update it as much as I can.

The Quarry Nick Furcillo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now