Torn Between Two Lovers (Part 1)

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***Tw: slight mentioning of self-harm, eating
disorders and internalized homophobia***

Thanks to @aceofcards789 for the suggestion!

It was the final day of camp and you were relieved at that fact. The entire two months were filled with doing chores and dealing with campers that always got into trouble. You were also really stressed about your future since you had just graduated high school and had no idea what to do with your life. On top of this, you had to deal with the other 7 counselors. There wasn't anything wrong with them however talking to them stressed you out since you didn't know them and were really introverted. Even though you were glad summer was almost over, it wasn't like you had much to go home to. There was only your mother and brother since you legitimately had no social life. At most times you were okay with being alone however sometimes you realized that you were wasting your teenage years and you would probably spend the rest of your life alone.

Your alarm went off at 8:00 am and you were granted a few seconds of peace before the negative thoughts returned. You remained in bed and stared at the wall for a few minutes until you were interrupted by your cabin mate. "Come on y/n get up!" Emma said as she looked down at you from the top bunk. You rubbed your eyes and brought yourself to sit up on your bed. "Aw don't be so grumpy, today's the last day of camp it's gonna be fun" Emma said as she pulled your arm, trying to get you out of bed. "Let go I'll get up" you muttered. You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face while trying to avoid looking at the mirror as much as possible. Once you left the bathroom you actually noticed what Emma was wearing and realized it was your shirt. She borrowed your clothes a lot and even though it bugged you, you had to admit she looked really good in them.

"Isn't that my shirt?" you asked. "Uh yeah, I've never seen you wear it and it's really nice, I hope you don't mind" Emma responded. You went to pick out new clothes from your bag. "It's fine, you can keep it actually".
"Aww thanks, you can wear something of mine then". "No thanks, I'm good". "Why not? I have the perfect outfit for you in mind". Emma said."Um, I don't like wearing people's clothes because I might ruin them, you know how messy the campers can be" you said. "That's true, one kid stained one of my favourite jackets" Emma said as she searched for her phone. You were glad Emma bought what you said because you didn't know another lie you could come up with. You thought her offering her clothes was really nice but you didn't want to wear them since you doubted they would fit. You had always been teased about your body so most of your clothes were baggy. The shirt you gave her was too small for you however it fit her perfectly which made you feel even worse about yourself. You tried to push the thought out of your head and not let it ruin the rest of your day.

"Hey, since you don't want to wear my clothes how about this?" Emma suggested. "What?" you asked. "Hold out your arm". You extended your arm towards her and she tied a bracelet around your wrist. "The kids were making these in the art class and I was helping so I made one for you" Emma said. As she was tying it on, you saw her eyes move to the scars that could be seen on your forearm. Since they were healed you forgot about them and once you noticed you pulled your arm away. "Yeah don't worry it's not what you think, I have a cat so that happens sometimes" you lied. Emma didn't believe you however she respected the fact that you didn't want to talk about it. "That makes sense, all the cats I've met were really vicious". "Anyways, thanks for the bracelet, I really appreciate it". "I'm glad you like it" Emma smiled. "Okay let's get the day started" Emma said as she pushed you out the door by your shoulders. Since it was the last day of camp, the campers had already packed their bags so all the counselors had to do was make breakfast and supervise the games they were playing.

By around 8:30 all the counselors were in the kitchen, preparing pancakes, eggs, and bacon for the campers. As you were busy frying bacon, oil splashed up and landed on your hand. "Damn it" you muttered as you blew on your hand. "What's the matter?" Emma asked. "I burnt my hand". "Oh" Emma said as she held your hand. "Want me to kiss it better?" "What? No that's weird" you said as you pulled your hand away. "Calm down, it's not like I'm asking to make out in the kitchen in front on everyone" Emma teased. "Um yeah okay" you said as you looked away, trying to hide the fact that your face was slightly red. You went back to cooking and within 15 minutes or so, you all were done and the counselors began serving the food. "Hey can someone get these last plates?" you asked since your hands were full. "Yeah, I got it" Nick said as he breezed past you, leaving a faint trace of his cologne in the air. Once all the campers got their food, the counselors went to the dining area and began eating.

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