Torn Between Two Lovers (Part 4)

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*** Tw: Mentioning of internalized homophobia and   
suicide ***

"It's my fault...." you said while slumping down against the wall. "If I had just let go of the gun, Abi would've still been alive".

"Calm down y/n, the fault is mine since I pushed you both" Kaitlyn said.

"Guys, blaming people won't do any good and nobody knew that would happen so it's nobody's fault." Ryan said.

"Man this is so fucked" Dylan sighed before a knock was heard at the door. It turned out to be the woman wearing an eyepatch from earlier and she said she was looking for Chris Hackett. Dylan said he recognized her name from the list of counselors so he let her in despite Ryan being against it. This woman that was now known as Laura, explained that she had been locked up for 2 months, her boyfriend had turned into a werewolf, and that was why she was wearing an eye patch. The group and especially Ryan wasn't sure about whether they should trust her or not. After a lot of arguing, Laura and Ryan went out into the woods in attempts to find Chris Hackett. You, Kaitlyn, and Dylan decided to leave the lodge to check out the car nearby to see if it was working.  Kaitlyn led the way while holding up the shotgun and after leaving the lodge, you all approached the car however you heard strange noises coming from the inside.

"Is there- something in there? Dylan asked.

"I don't know" Kaitlyn said. After calling out Jacob and Emma's name, Dylan slowing approached the car and open the door. He was instantly sprayed in the face by a startled Emma with air freshener which he mistook for mace. Kaitlyn and Dylan decided to head to the scrapyard to find parts to fix the car and Emma insisted you go with her to the storm shelter.

"What now?" you asked once the two of you were inside the storm shelter.

"Well... I guess, we just... make ourselves at home. Whip up some cocktails. See what's on the TV. No?" Emma joked as she began to spin around the shelter.

"Why are you always so positive?" you asked.

"Uh... Why do you keep asking me that?" she asked.

"I'm talking about your confidence, not whatever you're doing now" you said.

"I dunno, I guess I just don't like to see other people sad" Emma said.

"Really? You know that's something I've always liked about you" you admitted.

"Why?" Emma asked.

"Because... that's something I can't do. When people are sad I don't know what to say and I get super uncomfortable but you can just keep the conversation going" you said while looking down.

"Cheer up, you're perfect the way you are and if you want to work on it, it'll just take a little practice" Emma reassured as she put her arm around your shoulder.

"Thanks" you smiled. Despite the chaos that was going on outside, you felt at peace with Emma. After around 20 minutes, Emma broke the silence: "Ugh I'm bored, we can't just sit here".

"Why not? Dylan said it's safe in here" you asked.

"Well, yeah... I just- don't want to be... waiting around!" Emma said.

"But that's all we have to do, wait until morning" you replied.

"Fine. But we need protection. Go see what you can find. It's better than just siting around...." Emma said.

"Umm alright" you said as you stood up.

You couldn't find much of anything however you did find a ladder.

"What'cha find?" Emma asked.

"Um, just this ladder" you said, gesturing towards it.

"Is that a... tiny little door up there? You should try to open it" Emma said.

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