Torn Between Two Lovers (Part 2)

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Once they had all agreed they were going to party, the counselors split up to prepare. Jacob and Emma went to get drinks, Dylan and Ryan went to get their phones, and you, Abi, and Nick went to get wood for the fire while Kaitlyn set up the campfire.

While in the woods, Nick and Abi joked and talked endlessly about different things, making you feel like you were third wheeling. You would've preferred to go to the woods alone however there was nothing left to do so Kaitlyn just told you to go along with Nick and Abi. You eventually stumbled upon a log that had a beautiful view of a sunset in front of it. "Uh guys can you hold on a second? This view is gorgeous and I want to sketch it quickly" Abi said. "Sure, we'll go up ahead to find more branches and you can catch up with us when you're done" Nick replied. You were already farther ahead of the other two since you felt awkward just walking behind them causing Nick to jog lightly to catch up with you. "Hey" Nick said. "Uh hi" you replied as you looked at the ground in front of you. "How come you've been so quiet?" "I don't know, you and Abi were talking so I didn't want to interrupt".

"But it's not just today, you've kept to yourself the whole summer" Nick said.

"Oh um, I guess it's just my personality?" you said.

"But people won't be able to get to know you that way, including me. I've wanted to talk to you but you're hardly ever around".

"I get really awkward around new people so I usually just stay inside my cabin when I can".

"Well all the counselors here are really nice and you'd see that if you talked to them".

"I've only talked to Emma and it's too late now to talk to the rest of them now".

"If you talk to them at the campfire, you could get their number or something" Nick suggested.

"I guess" you sighed.

"Hey, why have you been looking at the ground the whole time we've been talking?" Nick asked.

"I usually struggle with eye contact so I usually just avoid it-" you started but were cut off by Nick moving in front of you and holding you shoulder.

"Well that's a shame because you have really beautiful eyes" Nick said as he stared into your eyes. It felt like you two were having a moment until you heard Abi behind you. "Hey guys, wait up!" Abi shouted as she jogged towards you. Instantly you both moved away and looked around to make it look like you weren't doing anything despite the fact that your heart was racing. The three of you continued to gather a few more branches before heading back towards the others. When you got back the others were already finished the things they were supposed to do so you were finally able to start the party.

All the counselors gathered around the campfire and grabbed a bottle of alcohol expect for you. You were never invited to any parties before so this was an unusual setting for you. "Here, you don't have to feel left out" Nick said as he offered you a bottle and sat next to you. You were pretty surprised at this since you expected him to sit with one of the guys. "Thanks" you said as you smiled slightly while accepting the bottle. You all decided to play truth or dare and once the rules were explained, Abi took her turn. After Ryan and Kaitlyn had their turn it was Emma's turn. "Alright, I dare you to kiss either..... Jacob or..... y/n" Kaitlyn said.

"Um, uh... sorry y/n, this is not even a dare, obviously I got this-" Jacob started.

"I choose y/n" Emma said as she got up and approached you. She sat on your lap and pulled you in to a kiss and you kissed back. Normally you would be uncomfortable with doing this in public however kissing her felt so right and it felt like it was only you two in the whole world. "Seriously Em?" you faintly heard Jacob say. In response to this Emma deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue in your mouth as she wrapped herself around you. "This is ridiculous" Jacob grumbled as he stormed off. A few seconds later Emma finally pulled away and you instantly stared at the ground since you were embarrassed. "Where's Nick?" Emma asked as she turned to face the others.

"He just walked off while you guys were sucking each other's faces off" Kaitlyn said as she pointed in the direction he went"

"*sigh* I guess I'll go talk to Jacob and y/n, you should go get Nick" Emma said. Since you didn't want to make someone else go, you just agreed. After a few minutes of walking, you found Nick sitting on a log by himself. "Um hey" you said as you sat next to him.

"Hi" Nick said quietly.

"Why'd you leave?"

"I don't know, I guess things got a bit too intense back there"

"Yeah I was just as surprised as you were, I just went along with it".

"Yeah this game is pretty stupid since you you usually never get to kiss who you want" Nick said as he turned to look at you. You looked back at him and stared into each other's eyes once again. You both slowly leaned in and locked lips, engaging in a passionate kiss. You parted after a few seconds and you soon heard a strange growl off in the distance. You both slowly walked in that direction trying to see what made the sound. "Was that a boar?" you whispered.

"It's... too growly..." Nick whispered back. The sounds grew louder as you kept walking and soon you were greeted by a grotesque creature unlike anything you had ever seen. "Run!" you shouted. You both took off but this creature clearly had amazing speed since it was able to catch up to Nick and attack him. "No! No!" you screamed. You ran to help Nick but were tackled to the ground by this creature. Someone far in the distance shot the beast allowing you to run away however it still was able to bite your arm. You stumbled upon a tall tree and decided to climb it in attempts to hide. Once you pulled yourself up on the highest branch the creature caught up to you with ease, making your previous efforts useless. The branch fell under the weight of the two of you, allowing you to get away again. You quickly found a little hill, crouched in front of it and held your breath, hoping the creature would lose track of you. You got extremely lucky and the beast ran off, allowing you to run back to the fire pit.

When you got back to the others you were visibly injured and in a frazzled state which was very unusual for you, causing Kaitlyn to say: "Oh my god y/n! What happened".

"Nick!...." you said between breaths. "You have to help him!"

"Go after Nick!" Kaitlyn said as she handed the shotgun to Ryan.

"I got this" Ryan said confidently as he ran in the direction you came from. Kaitlyn helped you sit down and examined your wounds. "They don't look too bad so you should be fine" Kaitlyn said. "What happened out there?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I-I don't know, all of a sudden this huge monster with fangs and claws attacked Nick and-" you said.

"It's okay, calm down, I'm sure Ryan will help him".

"Okay...okay you're right". After a few minutes or so you saw Ryan return with Nick however he was in a terrible condition. He wasn't able to identify what attacked him however he thought it may have been a bear. The group came to the conclusion that it couldn't have been a bear since a full sized one would've crushed him. They soon noticed a huge gash on Nick's leg that had an unusual infection it in. Dylan suggested to amputate it however after some reasoning, the group decided against it. All of a sudden there was rustling in the bushes in front of you. "Should I shoot?" Ryan asked.

"No what if it's Emma or Jacob?" Kaitlyn said.

"What if it's not?" Ryan argued. Soon Jacob came out of the bushes, with his hands up and covered in blood. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot it's me!" Jacob pleaded.

"Where's Emma?" you asked.

"Oh shit, I left her behind" Jacob said.

"What? Go get her!" you yelled. Everyone looked at you confused since this behaviour was very out of character for you.

"Jeez I'm sorry I heard a scream and I came to check it out" Jacob apologized.

"The fuck are you waiting for? Go find her!" you shouted. "Uh...sorry that's not like me just, please go get her" you said holding your face in your hands.

"Alright..." Jacob said as he went back in the direction he came from.

"What's wrong with me?" you thought.

Okay so I've finished writing this whole mini story but I was wondering if you all wanted me to just upload them today or over several days. Also, if anyone has any suggestions for other stories or oneshots, feel free to comment them!

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