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             ***This story contains a bit of smut***

Today at camp all the activities were cancelled as the whole day was dedicated to swimming and having fun which was great for the campers but not for the counselors. Instead of teaching calm and organized classes, they had to run around chasing kids to make sure they didn't get hurt in some stupid way. When the clock finally reached 7:00 pm the campers were sent to the showers and told to return to their cabins afterwards so you and the other counselors where finally spared from their chaotic behaviour.

"Holy fuck those kids can be a nightmare" Kaitlyn sighed.

"For real" Jacob agreed.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna shower and take the longest nap ever" said Emma.

"I can get on board with that" said Dylan.

The counselors headed to the showers so they could cool off and finally relax. Once they were done they headed to their cabins, some of them heading off with another person to hang out.

Once you got done with showering you headed back to your cabin as well. When you got inside and shut the door, you removed your towel to dry off better revealing your naked figure. You sat on your bed and began rubbing lotion all over your body. You had been doing this for a minute or so when someone burst through the front door of your cabin.

"Hey y/n do you still have-" Nick started.

You and Nick were pretty close so you would normally show up at each others cabin without notice or knocking and there were never any issues with that. Until today that is.

In the moment of shock you both gawked at each other while remaining motionless. You realized what was happening and attempted to use your hands to cover your body. Nick just cleared his throat while looking at his feet and said: "Sorry for intruding". He then left the cabin as quickly as he entered.

Your face then turned red out of embarrassment so you quickly got dressed, wondering what to do next.

Nick quickly returned to his cabin, went inside, shut the door, and exhaled deeply. "Fuck that was awkward" he thought as he went to sit on his bed.

As he thought about what happened, he realized details he didn't notice at the time. He noticed the way your wet hair was slicked back, highlighting your gorgeous face. He noticed your flawless naked figure and the curves of your body. As he visualized you, he felt himself start to get hard. The more he thought about how attractive you looked, the harder he got.

He decided to solve this problem now while the images of you were still fresh in his mind. He pulled his pants down to his knees and took his  rock hard dick in his right hand. As he began pumping his cock he pictured your body once again and wished that you were in front of him.   He began to move his hand at a quicker pace causing him to let let out a low moan. As he was getting into what he was doing, the door to his cabin opened.

You looked at the ground as you spoke since you were too embarrassed to make eye contact with him. "Uhh Hey Nick don't worry about what happened you didn't know". "So what where you going to ask-" your sentence was cut off short as you looked up and saw what Nick was doing.

"Shit, sorry I know you didn't want to walk in on this" Nick apologized while covering himself with a nearby blanket.

"Wait, don't be sorry" you said as you shut the door behind you.

You took off your clothes as you walked towards Nick's bed, leaving only your bra and panties on. You then knelt on the bed and pulled the blanket off of Nick. You took his dick in your hand and started pumping it as Nick said: "Um you know you don't have to do this".

"Believe me" you said before you licked up the length of his dick. "I want to do this".

To be continued....

I hope you think the first part of this scenario is good and I'll post the second part soon.

The Quarry Nick Furcillo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now