Truth or Dare

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                  *** This story contains smut ***

It was around 12:00 am and the campers had already been sleeping for a few hours leaving the counselors to enjoy themselves. The other counselors were hanging out in their cabins while you and Nick were in his cabin playing truth or dare.

"Okay your turn, truth or dare?" Nick asked.

"Umm dare!" you said.

"I dare you to show me he most embarrassing photo you have of yourself" Nick said.

"Ugh fine" you said as you took your phone out of your pocket.

"What's taking so long? Nick said while trying to peek at your phone.

"Waittt I'm trying to find something" you said while trying to hide your phone.

"Okay here" you said, handing your phone to Nick.

The picture was of you a couple years back at a sleepover. You were sleeping with one of your eyes half open and you had drawings all over your face.

"You got a dick drawn on your forehead? That's hilarious" Nick laughed.

"Yep that's classic comedy alright" you said while taking your phone back.

"Anyways, truth or dare?" you asked.

"Truth" Nick said.

"What's your biggest fear?" you asked.

"Definitely needles, I can't stand looking at them" Nick said cringing at the thought.

"Alright truth or dare?" Nick asked as he crossed his legs.

"Umm truth!" you said.

Nick began to think of a question to ask and a smirk appeared on his face showing that he thought of something.

"Okay, I want to know a sexual fantasy of yours" Nick said.

"Heh, wow okay that's pretty bold" you said as you laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"You don't have to tell me but you never know, I might be able to make it come true" Nick said as he turned your head to look you in the eyes.

You immediately blushed and looked at the floor before saying: "Umm I have fantasized about being dominated.

"Interesting..." Nick said as he moved closer towards you.

He pulled you in for a kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth as you sighed out of relief. You did the same and you both began exploring each other's mouths. Nick began trailing his hands down your body and he stopped at your pussy, and began rubbing you through your pants. As he continued to do this, you began to moan into the kiss and struggled to kiss back. After another minute or so you parted for air, leaving a string of saliva connecting you two. Nick then stood up and pulled down his pants and boxers before saying: "Get on your knees" in a demanding tone.

You were surprised at his sudden change in tone but listened to what he said. Once you were in front of him, you slowly stroked his dick with your hand before licking the tip. Since you were taking so long, Nick grabbed the back of your head, forcing the entirety of his dick in your mouth. "Mm.. yeah fuck" Nick moaned as he moved you to suck his dick, practically face fucking you at this point however you didn't mind as him having complete power over you turned you on. As Nick thrusted faster in your mouth, his moans grew louder and louder and within a few minutes you felt him twitch in your mouth. He began to slow his pace a bit and within a few seconds he finally finished in your mouth. "Ohh fuck" Nick moaned as he pulled out of your mouth. He then looked down at you and said "swallow" in a serious tone. You then looked up at him, swallowed, and stuck out your tongue to show him. He then smiled down at you before saying "good girl".

He then lied down on the bed and turned to you as he said: "Strip for me". You then began to remove your clothes slowly, piece by piece, trying to look sexy for him. As you did this, Nick's eyes trailed your body, admiring your figure. Once you were naked, he said: "come here". You then sat on the bed in front of him and he told you to sit closer. You inched closer to him however he asked you to sit closer to him again. Once again you just moved a little closer to him but since you weren't understanding what Nick was asking, he cut to the chase and said: "Sit on my face".

You looked at him completely shocked and were about to ask if he was serious however the lust and hunger in his eyes showed he was. You then moved much closer to him and once you were straddling the upper part of his chest, you slowly moved your pussy closer to his face since you were nervous as you had never done this before. Since you were taking so long, Nick wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulled you closer to him and immediately started eating you out. You let out a surprised moan and immediately covered your mouth due to how loud it was. "Don't do that, I wanna hear you" Nick said in a low, demanding tone. You removed your hand and began grinding against his tongue to receive more pleasure. "Needy aren't we?" Nick smirked before going back to pleasing you.

His words slightly embarrassed you however they also turned you on even more. Within a few minutes you were on the verge of your orgasm. "F-fuck I'm gonna cum" you exclaimed. Nick responded by quickening his pace, bringing you to your climax. "Holy fuck!" you screamed as you came. Even though you already came, Nick didn't stop pleasing you. The pleasure was becoming a bit overwhelming however that did not stop it from feeling amazing. The fact that Nick had complete power over you drove you crazy. This caused you to reach your orgasm much sooner causing Nick to say: "You're cumming again already, heh I've only been using my tongue y/n".

The slight humiliation continued until you came one more time. By now you were breathing extremely heavily and feeling extremely sensitive. You proceeded to get off Nick and rest against the wall in attempts to catch your breath. "Oh we're not done yet, love" Nick said as he positioned you to lie down and positioned himself on top of you. He began to tease you by rubbing his dick on your clit. You began to let out soft moans but eventually got tired of waiting causing you to whine: "come on Nick". "If you want it... beg for it" he said as teased you slower. "Please fuck me" "More" Nick replied. "PLEASE fuck me, I want to feel you inside me, I want you to make me yours" you begged. Nick answered your requests and finally inserted himself inside you.

You both let out a loud moan as he began thrusting into you. Nick positioned your legs on his shoulders allowing him to hit your g-spot with ease. He leaned down to suck on your neck causing you to let out continuous moans. As the pleasure began to feel really over stimulating, you bit down on Nick's shoulder causing him to let out a groan of pleasure. After he left a few dark circles on your neck, he connected his lips with yours. You both moaned into the kiss as you both were nearing your orgasm. Nick moved his hand to your clit and began to rub it, bringing you to your orgasm.

As you climaxed you let out loud moans while your legs began to shake. After a minute or so Nick said: "Fuck I'm gonna cum". "I don't care I want you to finish inside me, I want you to breed me" you said in a seductive tone. Once he knew you were okay with it he released inside you as he let out a loud moan. Once Nick came down from his high, he pulled out of you and went to get a cloth to clean you up. He then went to run a hot bath a carried you to the bathroom since your legs were shaky. He sat you down in the tub and sat behind you. He began to rub you shoulders and after a while he asked: "since we didn't finish the last round of truth or dare, do you want me to tell you a truth about myself?". "Um sure" you said since you didn't know what he meant.

"I love you".

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