Torn Between Two Lovers (Nick Ending)

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The car ride home was fairly quiet except for Mr. H constantly apologizing for putting you all through the past events. You were visibly stressed since you felt bad about what happened to Abi but you couldn't listen to music since your headphones were dead. You had just shut your eyes as your were trying to calm your nerves when Nick put his headphones over your ears and it was playing your favourite song. You sighed in relief and Nick whispered: "Emma told me you liked these songs". A smile appeared on your face when he said that as you thought it was nice of him to go out of his way to see what music you were into.

Once you were calm, you grew tired and fell asleep in a few minutes. "y/n... y/n!" Nick said as he gently shook your shoulder. "Huh?" you asked in a confused tone as you were still half asleep.

"We're back, it's time to get out, would you like me to get your bag for you?"

"Uh yeah sure that'd be great".

He went to the trunk and brought your bag to you within a few seconds. "Thanks" you said as you rubbed your eyes.

"No problem" Nick said as he smiled at you.

"Ugh I'm exhausted, I'm probably gonna take a nap when I get home".

"I probably will too I'm pretty tired as well anyways, I was wondering if I could get your number".

"Oh yeah, here" you said as you entered your number in Nick's phone.

"Thanks, I'll talk to you later, bye" Nick waved before leaving in the direction of his home.


The walk home was pretty boring since you couldn't use your headphones but you were home after about 10 minutes. "Welcome home, we missed you" your mother said once you entered your home.

"Hi, I missed you too" you said before you went upstairs.

You took a quick shower before heading back to your room to take a nap. You woke up at 6 pm and you rolled over to check your phone. You saw a text message from Nick that read: "please FaceTime me when you're awake". You were surprised at the text however you smiled at the fact that he wanted to talk to you even though you spoke to him not too long ago. You called him and he was seen sitting in a gaming chair. "Hi" you said as you positioned your phone in front of you.

"Hey" Nick replied.

"What are you doing?"

"Just playing Valorant, I woke up a few hours ago so I was just trying to kill time".

"Cool, so why did you want me to call you?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to do something today" Nick said.

"Yeah? Like what?" you asked.

"Well, I figured we could both benefit from doing something fun so how about we go to an arcade?"

"*sigh* that does sound like a good idea, sure I'm in!"

"Okay how about we meet up at the one across from the camp meeting spot at 7?" Nick suggested.

"Sure, see you there" you said.

You both said goodbye and once you hung up you went to the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower. When you returned to your room, you went to your closet to pick out an outfit. You decided on a t-shirt, with an oversized flannel shirt jacket, striped track pants, and white shoes. You put half your hair into pigtails and left the rest of your hair down. As for makeup, you mainly put on eye makeup and you decided to go for a more neutral coloured lipgloss. You sprayed a bit of perfume in front of you and walked through it before grabbing a purse. "Hey mom, can I borrow your car?" you asked as you came down the stairs.

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