Torn Between Two Lovers (Part 3)

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As Jacob had just abandoned her, Emma was now alone on Hackett's Quarry Island so she decided to vlog herself. "Guess who's got two thumbs and is suddenly riding solo on this freaky island? This fool" she said to her phone. As she roamed this island, she mainly ranted to her phone about Jacob but also tried to make the situation she was in sound interesting. She recalled the scream she heard earlier and mumbled: "I really hope y/n is okay". "Oh right! You guys don't know who that is" she said, referring to her fans. "Well y/n is this girl a met at camp, and she's actually my cabin mate." "She's really shy and didn't talk much at first but over time she opened up a bit and she's really nice. Since we've technically been living together for the past two months, we've started talking a lot and I think we've actually become friends" she said as she smiled.

"I usually tend to ramble a lot when I talk and she's the only person I've met that actually listens to me. I guess you could say I really like her". "I mean as a friend of course, there's no way I could fall in love with someone over two months" she said nervously as her face turned a faint shade of pink. "Well I'm kinda giving myself away here, I could always just edit this out when I get home" she said. "Anyways, let's get on with this vlog" she said as she began to climb some stairs that lead to a treehouse. "Well there's a zip line up ahead... eh I guess you can watch me crap my pants on that thing, what the hell". After a few minutes, she reached the door to the treehouse and decided to check it out. "Honey I'm home!" she said as she opened the door. "What's that now? I forgot the kids bedtime? Well that's a fine how-do-you-do!" she joked. As she explored, she found a bag that was filled with someones clothes and a taser. Since it was really cold, she decided to put the clothes on.

As she was getting dressed she heard some strange noises above her. "Okay, so, I think there's something up there, and it's not gonna make me jump, I can promise you that much" she said as she approached the trapdoor above her. "Goodbye cruel world! The final curtain is calling, and there's no time for an encore..." she joked, not knowing what would greet her in the next few seconds. When she opened the door, a ginormous beast fell down, nearly attacking her. She quickly tased the beast and snapped a picture of it before dashing back out the door. She continued to run along the path until she reached a zip line that she instantly rode on without hesitation. She continued to run and thought she got away but was sadly mistaken when she was faced with that beast once again. She went back the way she came and returned to the treehouse, shutting the door immediately behind her.

She quickly climbed the ladder leading to the trapdoor, successfully evading the beast and moved a heavy toolbox on top of the door to keep it shut. She spotted a zip line outside the treehouse so she climbed up higher to reach it. She began to reel it slowly attempting to make as little noise as possible. She heard the beast nearing her however she resisted all temptation and continued to feel it slowly. She quickly rode the zip line, barely evading the beasts clutches. She held onto the zip line for most of the way however she dropped into the water near the end of it, making her landing softer. She climbed out of the water and was safe for the time being however her taser no longer worked due to the water.

"Holy fuck" she said as she sat down to rest, trying to collect herself.

Meanwhile, the majority of the counsleors remained in the Hacketts Quarry Lodge. You sat in the room next to Nick who was laying down on the bed. Abi soon walked in with a cup of water for Nick. "How are you feeling?" Abi asked.

"Well I'm-" Nick started but was cut off by Kaitlyn.

"Hey Abi? Can you come out here and give me a hand?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Uh yeah sure" Abi said back. "Sorry, I gotta go" she said as she left the room.

"Um so how are you?" you asked while your legs shook viciously.

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