15. ring around the rosie

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Talia was tracing the alphabet I outlined this morning as I took over Carol's job, I cooked special meals for those who were still sick and the normal breakfast for everyone else. I didn't mind the job and after facing all of those walkers the night before I was thankful to have the break. 

Last night was the first night I slept in a while. It was refreshing how recharged I felt and it reminded me how much I loved this place. Despite most days being the same old, I would take that over endless nights of worry. 

"Talia can you run this to Glenn up in his cell?" I hollered for her after seeing her work. I was glad she was catching on quickly. As she ran up to the station a loud bang rang through the air. 

I dropped the box and grabbed Talia, pulling her behind me. My eyes searched for an answer, "stay behind me," I whispered to her and slowly came out from the table. I inched towards where Maggie, Beth, Daryl, Carl, and Rick were. Maggie put her hand out to stop me from continuing. 

I peaked my head out from the side of the wall as Rick headed down to the gate. 

There were a couple of cars, a tank, and people, people with guns. 

I studied them, their guns were drawn. I kneeled down to Talia and grabbed her shoulders, "go back in with the other kids and pack a bag, quickly. Get on the bus and be quiet," I whisper to her. "Get your gun, you protect Judith and the other kids, you don't leave without Judith," I add before sending her off. I get back onto my feet and  cross the chain fence, I kept my eyes on the people talking to Rick. When I reach Carl, I watch as his eyes followed his father's movements as he soon face to face with the man.

Before I could ask Carl who it was he whispered, "the Governor." I had heard so much about him, went into his community and yet I never met the man. I never saw him in person and my stomach twisted, he was still alive. We went months without him being a threat to us but now here he is. My eyes left him and then followed Daryl's movements. He inched towards the guns, slowly bringing them behind one of the walls. He motioned me over with his head and I took my time as I walked over to him. I couldn't see how many people the Governor had but I am sure they had plenty of eyes on us. I didn't want to be the one to send alarms.

Daryl handed me one of the Colt m4a1, one of the larger guns that he taught me how to use, along with a magazine. "You still got your smaller one," I assume he was referring to my gun so I gave him a nod. "You okay to do this?" he asked, looking at me as he handed Bob another large gun.

"Ask yourself, you're the one who taught me," I answered, looking around the corner to see if anything had advanced.

"Then you're ready, give this to your little boyfriend and be ready," he gave me a gun and sent me on my way. If the situation wasn't serious, I would have rolled my eyes at his comment or even made a snide remark back but it just wasn't the time. I pressed the two guns behind my back and walked back over to Carl. I watched Daryl give Beth and Maggie guns and I followed after him.

I pressed the gun against his back and pulled on him to follow me.

Daryl, Carl, and I used the fence to hold our guns up and aim them down at the Governor and his group. My finger hovered over the trigger, ready to do as Rick instructed. I hated killing people. I typically stay out of the line of work but there had been a few times when I went out on a run with Glenn or Daryl where I had to protect them. Where I had to protect everyone back at the prison because some people can't be around other living people anymore. Now more living people are threatening us and I know I have to stand beside my people.

It was hard to hear anything that was being said or what the Governor wanted but I knew he had Michonne and Hershel and I knew the Governor was a horrible person.

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