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Walkers have always been terrifying for both of them; both had watched so many people get ripped apart by the monsters, including their parents

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Walkers have always been terrifying for both of them; both had watched so many people get ripped apart by the monsters, including their parents. This world wasn't fair to either of them despite the age difference, they had similar traumas. Which is maybe why the typically cold-hearted teen took a liking to the young girl who swung the pistol in her hand as she skipped through the woods.

Talia knew all about gun safety but the safety was on and she'd be damned if she allowed herself to walk in complete dread to the Hilltop. Enid was carrying enough of that for the both of them. Sure, she was also pissed at Carl and worry flooded her system at the thought of Maggie being in trouble, but she couldn't let it consume her. It wouldn't be good if they were both wandering in the woods in this mindset. Plus this gave her the perfect distraction from Denise's death and Carol's departure.

They had followed the track marks from the RV, Enid could tell when they backed up and went another way (the two followed because there may be danger if they took that way) and sooner than later it was dark and they were in the woods because the tracks disappeared and they were lost. So painfully lost that they couldn't find the road anymore and their only hope was going up through the woods in the direction that they thought Hilltop was in.

Neither tried to worry that much about it, once they got back onto a road they would be able to use the map and get back on track but the problem was that it was dark and it's been hours since they left Alexandria and that could mean that Maggie was doing all of this alone. The two knew they needed to be there for her and they would be damned if they didn't get there tonight.

Surprisingly, there weren't many walkers around. They had seen a few corpses, killed through the brain, littered throughout the forest but other than that, nothing. It was rubbing Enid the wrong way but she tried not to think about it. The Hilltop heavily traveled these woods, they probably had been out earlier trying to secure the area better. But the Hilltop people weren't fighters and some of these walkers looked like they were bashed into with a crowbar, Enid's thoughts were screaming at her to stop and to assess what all of these corpses meant but she couldn't let herself, she needed to be a Hilltop an hour ago, there was no time to stop and think.

"Hopefully, Len isn't too mad at us for leaving," Talia thought out loud as she slowed to a walk, looking over her shoulder to see Enid trekking behind her. This was the first time the duo had be outside the walls together, hell, this was the first time they were properly hanging out alone. It was a bit awkward but the two didn't dislike each other so most of the walk had been spent in comfortable silence.

"We'll tell Carl not to tell her we got to Maggie this way," Enid huffed, running her hand through her hair in frustration. She was more than pissed at the boy. His hero complex was starting to piss her off because god-damnit she didn't need him protecting her by locking her away. Logically, he was mostly upset with the fact that Lennox hadn't returned and he was also looking out for Talia, so he did what he thought would be best but that didn't make Enid forgive him. Talia was just a child but if she wanted to go to Hilltop with a group of trusted adults then so be it, so what if Len got mad.

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