47. the "calm" before the storm

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"Are you sure you're okay," Carl asked me for what felt like the hundredth time. When I came back to the house covered in blood I didn't think he'd think much of it. Turns out Enid and Ron were sitting under one of the windows listening to the meeting, the three of them had planned it out since Carl was busy with Talia and Judith.  

It surprised me to see Ron in on such an act. He did everything in his power to stay away from Carl. Enid must have roped him in on it. "Yes, Carl, I am perfectly fine," I said as I stripped off my shirt, tossing it into the small trash can in Carl's room. "Actually, no, I want one of your shirts," I let my tone run playfully. He knew how much I loved wearing his shirts and flannels. It made me smell like him, feeling like he was constantly hugging me. 

Carl wasted no time grabbing one of his t-shirts from his dresser, he approached me holding out the shirt. I went to grab the bundle of fabric but he held onto it with a tight grip. He pulled back his offering hand, pulling me into his body. His free hand grabbed at my bare side, keeping me balanced as I tumbled into his body. 

He looked down at me, a soft smirk resting on his lips. He tilted his head, lowering himself so he pressed innocent kisses to my neck. "I just want to make sure you're okay," he placed a kiss on my skin after every word. 

I couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at his tickling lips, "I should ask you the same thing, you've been cooped up in this house with children all day, how's your sanity?" I joked lightly. Carl loved spending time with Judith and Talia. Talia was unsure of him for a while and thankfully the year in Alexandria had her opening up to him. Carl always loved caring for Judith, she reminded him of his mother and I adored their relationship. 

Heath looked me up and down. He's been gone for weeks but apparently, that's what he did. Long-distant supply runs were his favorite. I didn't know if I liked him or not. Nothing was annoying about him other than how he was looking at me. I wanted to give him a fair chance but my mind was made up. He pissed me off. 

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