60. the way things are

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I woke up to the sound of Talia's violent sobs. instinctively, I shoved the blanket off of my body, ready to spring up. I nearly jumped out of my skin to see my sister standing at the end of the bed. She stood painfully still with red puffy eyes and tear stains running down her cheeks. A piece of paper clenched tightly in her right hand.

Carl stirred beside me at the sound of Talia's cries, he was used to waking up to Judith's baby monitor, so it was no surprise when his good eye shot open. He looked at me first, confusion was written on his face because these weren't sounds of a baby's cry. "Tally, what's wrong?" I looked away from my lover (lover? I still had no idea where we stood, if we were dating or not. With the way things have been going, that was the least of our worries) to watch as Talia approached my side of the bed.

I hadn't been planning on staying the night in Carl's room. After she lost Denise like she did, I wanted to be there whenever Tally woke up but I must have fallen asleep. I wanted it hit myself, of course, she was upset. She woke up alone and she probably had nightmares. I never got the chance to ask Daryl or Rosita if she opened up to them.

"She's gone," Talia gripped the paper, shaking it violently. The sound of paper crumbling filled the room with her now quieting sobs. "Everyone always leaves, everyone I care about-" she cut herself off as she threw the paper onto the bed.

I didn't know what I was expecting, maybe a picture she drew of Denise or maybe a letter the doctor had written her in the past. "I know, sweetie," I sighed, "Denise didn't deserve to go out that way and you did not need to see that," running my hand over my face I let out a huff of air. I didn't know what time it was but it felt early.

Carl was the one to grab the letter, studying it before climbing out of bed. He dropped the letter back onto the sheets and looked over at Talia. There was sorrow written on his face before concern filled it. He didn't say anything though, it was like the two of them could read each other's minds. Still dressed in his clothes from yesterday, he stormed out of the room, his footsteps echoed through the empty upstairs.

Curiosity fueling me to grab the paper and finally see what had everyone so worked up.

My dear Talia,

I wish it didn't have to end, not this way. I am so proud of you. Watching you grow up to become a successful young lady has been a pleasure, however, I must go. You won't remember but I had left once before, back at the prison, you were locked away with the rest of them. Lizzie, Micah... I should have never came back, that is nothing I would never expect you to understand. What I do need you to understand is that I love you so very much. You and your sister have been like children to me and I miss you as I write this.

You deserve to grow to become a well-minded and smart adult but I cannot be around to watch. You will do amazing things without my presence. I wish you the best. I love you.

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