31. mistake

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"all i saw was red"


tw: mentions of physical abuse and sa


The next day was a blur, it felt so odd being here, and even worse that I accepted it with no issue. I allowed myself to laugh with Sam and Ron and to let my guard down enough that I just fit into their family so easily. 

It felt like I was living a completely different life. I got to shower again and get clean clothes, Jessie even braided my hair for me. Pete wasn't there when I woke up but he left me a note explaining how to take the new medication he put out. 

"These are horse pills," Ron said as he opened the pill bottle. The large pills were some form of antibiotic Pete wanted me to take three times a day. "There is no way I'd take these willing," he added as he held the pill between his two fingers. 

"Oh yes, thank you so much Ron, you are really helping me here," I said sarcastically and took the pill from his grasp and put it on the counter. "Get me a glass of water," I ordered him as he held both his hands up in surrender. 

Ron and I stayed up pretty late last night reading comics and talking about the world outside the walls. He asked me to take him out there, he didn't tell me why, but I told him I wouldn't do that. He wasn't experienced enough and I wasn't going to take the fall if something happened. Plus there was no way I was going out there with my crutches unless I had to. Pete said after I did a few sessions of physical therapy then I'd be allowed to start walking without them. I was excited, I hated lugging the two items around. 

Ron put the glass of water on the table and nodded towards the pill, "don't choke," he commented as I picked the large pill up. I poured water in my mouth and dropped the pill onto my tongue. I quickly added more water and washed the pill down my throat. I felt the pill go down my throat and gagged at the powdery taste it left behind. 

"Three times a day my ass, I hated that," I groaned as I put the cup of water back to my mouth and drank more of it to try to rid of the nasty taste. Ron leaned against the counter and laughed at my dramatic expressions in response.

We heard foot steps and suddenly Jessie and Sam appeared, "If she ends up staying longer, can she live with us?" Sam asked as he trailed behind his mother. 

"I'm sure we can make something work," Jessie smiled at me once she realized I was in the room. "I'll remind you to take the next one in a few hours," she tapped on the counter. I wasn't going to get out of taking these pills even if I tried. 

"Make sure you watch her do it, it's funny," Ron grinned and watched me roll my eyes at him. He turned on his heels and headed toward the living room. 

Jessie stopped him with her next words, "have you heard anything from Enid?"

He froze but he didn't turn to look toward us. He just shook his head and proceeded to leave the kitchen area. Sam ran after him, yelling at him about needing help with some of his homework. 

Once the two disappeared it left me and Jessie. "Who's Enid?" I asked, Ron had yet to mention any one else who lived in the community. Jessie had turned away a few people yesterday at the door who wanted to drop by and see how I was adjusting, she felt I wasn't ready yet, so I couldn't tell if she was going to answer my question. 

I was surprised whenever she spoke straight away, "his girlfriend? Ex girlfriend maybe? They got into a fight the night Aaron brought you to the infirmary. I was hoping he said something to you about her," Jessie sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Oh well, he seems like he's been doing better since you've arrived so that's something," she cleared her throat and took my empty glass of water to the sink. 

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