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"I'll be back before the meeting," I said as I pulled my boots on. Rick was certain that we had checked all of the surrounding areas that could draw the walkers out of the pit. It was concerning that four semi-trucks was the only thing stopping the walkers from getting to us. However, I wanted to take a quick look around before we had the meeting to discuss the plan. Rick has been scheming up some plans on how to rid of the walkers. Leading them away seemed like the best option, now it was time to get everyone on board. And before we did that, I wanted to double check that we weren't sending people into a death trap. As long as I didn't get close to the pit then I was allowed to go where ever I pleased. 

Little did any of them know, Enid and I spent hours with our feet dangling over the cliff, watching the dead run into each other. We never talked whenever we hung out there, we just watched as our pending doom aimlessly wandered around moaning out of hunger. It was stupid, there were so many ways we could have gotten hurt but we needed to see them. We needed to remind ourselves that despite the extreme luck we've had the past year, death was always around the corner. 

"Is Enid going with you?" Carl asked as he entered the foyer. He wasn't very happy that I was leaving so early, he wouldn't see me all day. Rick made it very clear that Carl wasn't allowed to help out on this mission. That meant he wasn't even invited to the meeting. I could never understand why Rick always thought so little of his son, Carol told me over and over again that it wasn't that Rick was doubting Carl's abilities, it was more that he wanted to protect him from everything. Carl surprisingly agreed to stay behind and watch Judith and Talia while just about everyone else capable went out to help with the hoard. Carl knew the plan already, Rick has been spewing off on random tangents around the house for the last week about it. He didn't even protest me helping, which wasn't like him at all. Carl seemed to have full faith in his father's planning.

I shook my head in response as I threw on my windbreaker. "No, can you keep an eye on her?" I asked as if he wasn't already babysitting two others. I didn't think that Enid needed babysitting but she's been quieter than usual, ever since I showed her the pit of walkers. I sometimes wonder if that was something I should have kept to myself. 

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