7. witness

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"i should be there"

The next few days go by in a blur. Rick, Merle, Daryl, and Michonne are constantly gone and I'm unsure what this war was to intel. I did know that I promised to protect this place. I spent a lot of my time outside stabbing at the dead who came up to the fence and even went on another run with Glenn. 

The day that Rick and Daryl came back with Michonne and the news that Merle was killed by the Governor was the day we packed the cars. We didn't intend on leaving, everyone but Carl, Hershel, Beth, Judith, Talia, and me were going to hide out in the hallways of the prison to wait for the Governor. 

We took my mother's car out to the spot, it was near a large rock that would provide protection and it hid the car well. The car was packed with enough supplies to last for a few days if we got separated from the group. Carl, Hershel, and I were armed with guns just in case their plan went wrong. I kept Talia close to my side, I had my knife in my hand ready for any of the dead to come at us.  

It was the sound of gun fire that had Beth put Judith and Talia in the car, she stood beside the door waiting to see what we were going to do. Carl crept up to the side of the fence and looked out towards the prison. I followed, I stood just behind him but I saw a few people running from the prison. "I should be there," Carl mumbled under his breath. I ignored his comment and tried to see if our people were okay. 

"Come back over here, we aren't in the clear just yet," Hershel called for us. I went to turn but I noticed Carl didn't move. 

I reached out and grabbed his arm, I gave him a good tug before he followed me. 

Everything happened so fast. For a while we stood behind the rock, silent, in the clear. And the next we heard twigs being broken and someone running our way. I peaked my head out just as Carl stepped out, he had his gun pointing at the boy. 

He wasn't much older than Carl or I. It was clear he was scared, but he stopped. "Put the weapon down son," Hershel ordered. 

"Okay," he responded, he slowly started to lower his weapon, attempting to hand the gun to Carl. 

He didn't even hesitate yet Carl pulled the trigger and a bullet went through the boys head. He dropped dead to the ground. 

I was stunned for a second but I quickly grabbed the gun the boy dropped. I didn't look at Carl again, I don't think I agreed with his choice to kill him. 

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